• https://www.youtube.com/live/osDZVC52CGY?si=9rhxHtGSAKtxrW5O
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  • https://youtu.be/bAUk2ciGhog?si=5aryf5zpGc1bgRGu
    0 Comments 0 Shares 54 Views 0 Reviews
  • https://youtu.be/etfDV5u_dNY?si=ohkEq4jdAABeUvnB
    0 Comments 0 Shares 175 Views 0 Reviews
  • Drake said "Check it out. Putins army 1.5 million strong"https://www.youtube.com/live/jMaQ3uSH-i4?si=2fss03gdw-hl3y-Q
    Drake said "Check it out. Putins army 1.5 million strong"https://www.youtube.com/live/jMaQ3uSH-i4?si=2fss03gdw-hl3y-Q
    0 Comments 0 Shares 165 Views 0 Reviews
  • Steve finished reading the article and said, " So the West plans to fight Russia AND China, with about 70,000 most of whom are suffering from various maladies of trump plagues....Hmmmm. Can't see them pulling that off. But then again, they have no further use for the U S. Don't forget "Leave the world behind"
    Steve finished reading the article and said, " So the West plans to fight Russia AND China, with about 70,000 most of whom are suffering from various maladies of trump plagues....Hmmmm. Can't see them pulling that off. But then again, they have no further use for the U S. Don't forget "Leave the world behind" https://youtu.be/NFM6W_5Amok?si=-HBSAZuFCpdhwCCn
    0 Comments 0 Shares 130 Views 0 Reviews
  • https://www.youtube.com/live/-S31WkB4I5c?si=FADMxc_G-Hcl7Jrl
    0 Comments 0 Shares 91 Views 0 Reviews
  • http://youtube.com/post/UgkxA5zlYBQjdVkw1aWAMkQNn4Ui0BvuXpnK?si=wL02NdQlSK95WI
    Post from Geopolitical Trends, w/Dr. O
    Putin’s Final Warning? Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, has threatened to use non-nuclear weapons capable of turning Kiev in...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 39 Views 0 Reviews
  • "This is what the West is attempting to do by NOW showing you bi-racial couples in TV commercials, TV shows, what whites will perceive as obvious bi-racial kids in ads, etc., Attempting to lure ppl of African descent into believing they are being accepted, are a part of the whole, a piece of the main America. Nothing's changed. Have you heard them say they will no longer seek approval to bury PFAS/Forever chemicals specifically in BLKPOC communities as they do now? Have you heard they've made a law banning sub-standard healthcare or for arresting BLKPOC at a 25% higher rate as a form of the new slaver routine? Have you heard them Specifically speak out against regentrification, under appraisal of homes, other forms of old-time discrimination? Well then, nothing's changed. Smoke and mirrors. Pretend like BLKPOC is on equal footing. 'They'll be happy with the bone.' You haven't heard about as many George Floyd type state sanctioned killings have you? That's because President Félix Tshiseke of the DRC said Africa was tired of seeing BLKPOC 'gunned down in the streets Like dogs ' and demanded the West begin to change the image, narrative of Africa to reflect what it really is, to change the mind set of BLKPOC who have a home to come to"'
    Steve finished his veggie platter & said, "Haven't you noticed recently various shows incorporating various African cultures, mainly just food & dance on news Programming? That's a form of throwing a bone. Africa meant show the free college educations, the free skilled training, 3 bdrm homes BLKPOC can own for as little as $2300 or a new car off the showroom floor for $3000, marvelous healthcare". Steve stared out of the window in to the heavily wooded land everyone hoped was our 'safe house.' "The West is playing games. More resources will be cut by Africa. The West is headed for a nuclear winter"

    “They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people SLIGHTLY, saying, "Peace, peace; when there is no peace"
    "This is what the West is attempting to do by NOW showing you bi-racial couples in TV commercials, TV shows, what whites will perceive as obvious bi-racial kids in ads, etc., Attempting to lure ppl of African descent into believing they are being accepted, are a part of the whole, a piece of the main America. Nothing's changed. Have you heard them say they will no longer seek approval to bury PFAS/Forever chemicals specifically in BLKPOC communities as they do now? Have you heard they've made a law banning sub-standard healthcare or for arresting BLKPOC at a 25% higher rate as a form of the new slaver routine? Have you heard them Specifically speak out against regentrification, under appraisal of homes, other forms of old-time discrimination? Well then, nothing's changed. Smoke and mirrors. Pretend like BLKPOC is on equal footing. 'They'll be happy with the bone.' You haven't heard about as many George Floyd type state sanctioned killings have you? That's because President Félix Tshiseke of the DRC said Africa was tired of seeing BLKPOC 'gunned down in the streets Like dogs ' and demanded the West begin to change the image, narrative of Africa to reflect what it really is, to change the mind set of BLKPOC who have a home to come to"' Steve finished his veggie platter & said, "Haven't you noticed recently various shows incorporating various African cultures, mainly just food & dance on news Programming? That's a form of throwing a bone. Africa meant show the free college educations, the free skilled training, 3 bdrm homes BLKPOC can own for as little as $2300 or a new car off the showroom floor for $3000, marvelous healthcare". Steve stared out of the window in to the heavily wooded land everyone hoped was our 'safe house.' "The West is playing games. More resources will be cut by Africa. The West is headed for a nuclear winter" 6:14 “They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people SLIGHTLY, saying, "Peace, peace; when there is no peace"
    0 Comments 0 Shares 60 Views 0 Reviews
  • https://www.youtube.com/live/QvHDcGfN_Vk?si=jzyCrngyNQytB5Za
    0 Comments 0 Shares 126 Views 0 Reviews
  • More sense than white folk..https://youtu.be/jD5Mujdo0DA?si=PlXgG2hCL2Qt2QYU
    More sense than white folk..https://youtu.be/jD5Mujdo0DA?si=PlXgG2hCL2Qt2QYU
    0 Comments 1 Shares 205 Views 0 Reviews
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