I'm a born and raised country girl from North Carolina. I'm the last of eight children from our parents. Yes, I'm a baby boomer, and mighty darn proud of it!! I've been blessed to have been stationed in several countries while serving in the United States Air Force for almost 25 years. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunities to travel and visit places I read about as a child, not knowing I'd be in some of them later on.

I enjoy riding my motorcycle that's fittingly named "Papi." I've ridden to Chadron, NE (my maiden voyage) with fellow riders, as well as to Maryland, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, Georgia, Wisconsin, and as far as Jacksonville, FL.

When not on the motorcycle, I enjoy being home reading the African Heritage Bible and other books that pertain to us as a people; a nation within a nation is what we are. I believe in supporting our own, just like the other nationalities support their own. I believe in the saying that "Charity begins at home."
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  • Owner / President & CEO στο LN2S CONSULTING L.L.C.
  • σπούδασε B.B.A. στο McKendree University
    Class of 2015
  • Female (XX Chromosomes)
  • σε γάμο
  • 03/23/1960
  • ακολουθείται από 3 μέλη
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