Afikan100%,Afrika from here to the MOON.Mama AFRIKA FOREVER,AFRIKAN'S UNITE 1000,000%
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Spirit In which Spirit do we come in?Good or bad We,must pay attention to the Spirit and we,must revere that which is a Great Spirit in us also in others.For if we are to Rise&be Forgiven then we must possess a Great Spirit.Spirit In which Spirit do we come in?Good or bad We,must pay attention to the Spirit and we,must revere that which is a Great Spirit in us also in others.For if we are to Rise&be Forgiven then we must possess a Great Spirit.Please log in to like, share and comment!
Afrika's needsAfrika needs a whole new perspective of thought.It was Afrika that gave the World 🌎 it's philosophy of Life Politics,Science,Medicine,Agriculture,Art,and Mathematics.So we Afrikan's need to reinstate a New Afrikan Renaissance of our True selves and of our Nature,We will have to evaluate who we have become in this age,and also who we can become in this Modern Age the Potential for us...
Hello to all Sons&Daughters of Mama AFRIKA we are on a,historic run in Liberating our Continent and we will not be,forshadowed by any body your UNIVERSAL AFRIKAN MIKU!Hello to all Sons&Daughters of Mama AFRIKA we are on a,historic run in Liberating our Continent and we will not be,forshadowed by any body your UNIVERSAL AFRIKAN MIKU!
The socalled Biden administration is a deterent to Black advancement &American advancement.Miku,SumbuThe socalled Biden administration is a deterent to Black advancement &American advancement.Miku,Sumbu
White Americans are a despicable bunch just go eat your tuna casseroles and leave Black People to our greatness.White Americans are a despicable bunch just go eat your tuna casseroles and leave Black People to our greatness.
Well said by the Representative they "West" makes alot of money from War.Well said by the Representative they "West" makes alot of money from War.
That is what we need sista to attend&support our own Functions.That is what we need sista to attend&support our own Functions.
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