Defending Your Self Determination
It takes a lot of self-determination to transplant yourself in a country you are rooted to but the enslavement process disconnected you from. So many have underestimated the challenges this kind of move can bring. Some have ended up moving back out after not being able to sustain.
Repatriate to Ghana is here to assist repatriates so that you can thrive and make a difference in Ghana.
Proceeds from this project fund Afrikan-centered infrastructure and make it possible for others like you to take the same steps.
Menu SIGN UP If this is your dream….We’re here to help you make it a reality!Contact UsAkwaaba! Sankɔfa begins here!Embark on your royal road to repatriation today!Contact UsDiscover where you belongBecome one among the multitudes of successful repatriates assisted by Repatriate To Ghana (R2GH)!Contact Us Welcome to Repatriate to Ghana It takes a lot of […]
Awesome informative session with my brother Obadele Kambon. He has successfully repatriated to Ghana and assists others to do the same. Check him out at: If you're pumped f
Menu SIGN UP If this is your dream….We’re here to help you make it a reality!Contact UsAkwaaba! Sankɔfa begins here!Embark on your royal road to repatriation today!Contact UsDiscover where you belongBecome one among the multitudes of successful repatriates assisted by Repatriate To Ghana (R2GH)!Contact Us Welcome to Repatriate to Ghana It takes a lot of […]