The person can’t run. They experimented on Black Americans primarily for 40+ years w/ like ‘Manhattan Project’ w/ the first victim listed as EBB CADE -HUMAN PRODUCT. That’s all they were. He never knew they slipped it in him during routine visits. A certain level is optimum. Of course it’s easier to administer today. And Who benefits. White imperialism. This is a warning that matches with the word in the street being that the Food supply is tainted. Anyone who has served in the military is familiar w/ Salt PETRE in the FOOD which is used to CONTROL your thought-process. No different from LSD. Mushrooms. Gov said it is perfectly safe to use in the food supply IN PRISONS/MILITARY/FED EMPLOYEES. Are they using it in Nursing homes, hospitals, school systems? That would only be discovered by A private citizens investigation. Uh, there are films, movies that have been made…Uh, I don’t know if it’s ‘Art imitating life” orrr…Uh, order or buy…however u kids get movies these days, watch “Logan’s Run”, an old classic. It will give u context. Also, “MKULTRA”, it’s hard to ‘Know’ these atrocities are committed against BLKPOC, real hard. But you gotta know. Watch any films like that for context, but you really should get the printed form of these horrible crimes against humanity. You know whites are heavy on the re-writes, white washing to make it seem acceptable, tolerable to be done to BLKPOC.
The person can’t run. They experimented on Black Americans primarily for 40+ years w/ like ‘Manhattan Project’ w/ the first victim listed as EBB CADE -HUMAN PRODUCT. That’s all they were. He never knew they slipped it in him during routine visits. A certain level is optimum. Of course it’s easier to administer today. And Who benefits. White imperialism. This is a warning that matches with the word in the street being that the Food supply is tainted. Anyone who has served in the military is familiar w/ Salt PETRE in the FOOD which is used to CONTROL your thought-process. No different from LSD. Mushrooms. Gov said it is perfectly safe to use in the food supply IN PRISONS/MILITARY/FED EMPLOYEES. Are they using it in Nursing homes, hospitals, school systems? That would only be discovered by A private citizens investigation. Uh, there are films, movies that have been made…Uh, I don’t know if it’s ‘Art imitating life” orrr…Uh, order or buy…however u kids get movies these days, watch “Logan’s Run”, an old classic. It will give u context. Also, “MKULTRA”, it’s hard to ‘Know’ these atrocities are committed against BLKPOC, real hard. But you gotta know. Watch any films like that for context, but you really should get the printed form of these horrible crimes against humanity. You know whites are heavy on the re-writes, white washing to make it seem acceptable, tolerable to be done to BLKPOC.