CONT’D: Are you fine white folk benefiting from Witholding the G.I Bill from EVERY BRAIN DAMAGED, BLIND, LIMBLESS BLKPOC soldier upon returning from WWII—That lifted an ENTIRE WHITE GENERATION LAZY or NOT into MIDDLE-CLASS; You don’t think they deserve something for white folks beating, literally burning the bodies & bldgings in Seneca Village aka CENTRAL PARK? What about rebuilding the U.S after Reconstruction when the U.S promised to pay 40 acres & a mule & whites pulled a ‘tramp/grifter’ & didn’t pay? It’s estimated at $1B+; Ebb Cade was who whites listed as HUMAN PRODUCT & continue to experiment POLONIUM/PLUTONIUM to over 40M? When they roll out? you lazy things pack up: THE TELEPHONE THE GAS MASK, PAP SMEAR, GLAUCOMA MEDS, TRAFFIC LIGHT, THE WHITE HOUSE/M.D/D.C, OPEN HEART SURGERY, CATARACT MEDS, THE LIGHTBULB, all their unlimited natural resources you’ve stolen for the last 100 years, close up the Levees, Dams, Bidges that still work along with the Soap invented by the BLKPOC teen that cures your skin cancer, Bring back to life all the BLKPOC men who’s penis you cut off or all your half BLKPOC cousins that never received CHILD SUPPORT?! I got plenty more!
CONT’D: Are you fine white folk benefiting from Witholding the G.I Bill from EVERY BRAIN DAMAGED, BLIND, LIMBLESS BLKPOC soldier upon returning from WWII—That lifted an ENTIRE WHITE GENERATION LAZY or NOT into MIDDLE-CLASS; You don’t think they deserve something for white folks beating, literally burning the bodies & bldgings in Seneca Village aka CENTRAL PARK? What about rebuilding the U.S after Reconstruction when the U.S promised to pay 40 acres & a mule & whites pulled a ‘tramp/grifter’ & didn’t pay? It’s estimated at $1B+; Ebb Cade was who whites listed as HUMAN PRODUCT & continue to experiment POLONIUM/PLUTONIUM to over 40M? When they roll out? you lazy things pack up: THE TELEPHONE THE GAS MASK, PAP SMEAR, GLAUCOMA MEDS, TRAFFIC LIGHT, THE WHITE HOUSE/M.D/D.C, OPEN HEART SURGERY, CATARACT MEDS, THE LIGHTBULB, all their unlimited natural resources you’ve stolen for the last 100 years, close up the Levees, Dams, Bidges that still work along with the Soap invented by the BLKPOC teen that cures your skin cancer, Bring back to life all the BLKPOC men who’s penis you cut off or all your half BLKPOC cousins that never received CHILD SUPPORT?! I got plenty more!
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