Would you look at that. G-L-O-R-Y. Can be duplicated by some hands but never a machine. If my granny’s hands can’t craft a work of art no artist can. I know they not gonna feel gummy. Don’t burn ya’ self granny. I tried to get up but she turned her shoulder to me. I’ma take a picture. People in the future…I don’t even wanna be skatin’ at Rockerfeller Ctr. I just wanna take one…pull it apart…slap 2-3 lbs of FRESH, DAIRY BUTTER on it. Maybe some ‘Kings Molasses’s’. Use to come in a tin can with a lion on the label. Note to self: ORDER CASE OF KINGS MOLASSES. For now, Grammys BLACKBERRY PRESERVES. Use ta’ be able to walk down the street …in the 70s-80s and pull blackberries off the vines. Just reach out & pull as many as you want. Sweet. Then MONSANTO/ROUNDUP. Makes me feel good to watch Granny whisk around her old farmhouse kitchen. Like she think she runnin’ a restaurant. Her Moms was the top chef (excuse me ‘cook’) at the first & only hotel where they came from back up in them mountains. Gave her no credit. Spat in her face. She was in her 90’s. I see granny’s fingers flinch when she studies the second pan of these perfect heavenly delights that float on air golden BISCUITS. MY GAWD. MY GAWD. Where the butter at? Glad granny flinched. She said she picked so much cotton instead of being able to go to school that she couldn’t feel the skin of her new borns.
Would you look at that. G-L-O-R-Y. Can be duplicated by some hands but never a machine. If my granny’s hands can’t craft a work of art no artist can. I know they not gonna feel gummy. Don’t burn ya’ self granny. I tried to get up but she turned her shoulder to me. I’ma take a picture. People in the future…I don’t even wanna be skatin’ at Rockerfeller Ctr. I just wanna take one…pull it apart…slap 2-3 lbs of FRESH, DAIRY BUTTER on it. Maybe some ‘Kings Molasses’s’. Use to come in a tin can with a lion on the label. Note to self: ORDER CASE OF KINGS MOLASSES. For now, Grammys BLACKBERRY PRESERVES. Use ta’ be able to walk down the street …in the 70s-80s and pull blackberries off the vines. Just reach out & pull as many as you want. Sweet. Then MONSANTO/ROUNDUP. Makes me feel good to watch Granny whisk around her old farmhouse kitchen. Like she think she runnin’ a restaurant. Her Moms was the top chef (excuse me ‘cook’) at the first & only hotel where they came from back up in them mountains. Gave her no credit. Spat in her face. She was in her 90’s. I see granny’s fingers flinch when she studies the second pan of these perfect heavenly delights that float on air golden BISCUITS. MY GAWD. MY GAWD. Where the butter at? Glad granny flinched. She said she picked so much cotton instead of being able to go to school that she couldn’t feel the skin of her new borns.
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