He says it’s ‘Military, Military, Military’. He says their only option is ‘Being alive or being dead’ . That society doesn’t work, isn’t allowed to work, so they isolate out of fear. I think said there’s an economic tsunami’ coming and no one will be spared..(?)…O.K, I see. He’s saying that shortly they won’t have ANY form of currency….Definitely the ONE WORLD ORDER whites call it the NEW WORLD ORDER. Trampgrifter called the U.S position in the OWO in 2018 and that the U.S would go it alone to craft their own pretend ‘Alternate Reality’ which everyone lives in right now in the U.S-Everybody knows something’s coming but their only concern is keeping whites distracted with Tramp. They are not discussing the USD crashing when B.R.I.C.S doors open in a week. They haven’t mentioned the NEW WHO HEALTH TREATY requiring TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS if you don’t take the PLAGUE JUICE, you can’t work or be treated by a doc. He’s wondering when the DIGITAL CURRENCY and industry stops as a result how he will get gas for his car.
He says it’s ‘Military, Military, Military’. He says their only option is ‘Being alive or being dead’ . That society doesn’t work, isn’t allowed to work, so they isolate out of fear. I think said there’s an economic tsunami’ coming and no one will be spared..(?)…O.K, I see. He’s saying that shortly they won’t have ANY form of currency….Definitely the ONE WORLD ORDER whites call it the NEW WORLD ORDER. Trampgrifter called the U.S position in the OWO in 2018 and that the U.S would go it alone to craft their own pretend ‘Alternate Reality’ which everyone lives in right now in the U.S-Everybody knows something’s coming but their only concern is keeping whites distracted with Tramp. They are not discussing the USD crashing when B.R.I.C.S doors open in a week. They haven’t mentioned the NEW WHO HEALTH TREATY requiring TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS if you don’t take the PLAGUE JUICE, you can’t work or be treated by a doc. He’s wondering when the DIGITAL CURRENCY and industry stops as a result how he will get gas for his car.
He says it’s ‘Military, Military, Military’. He says their only option is ‘Being alive or being dead’ . That society doesn’t work, isn’t allowed to work, so they isolate out of fear. I think said there’s an economic tsunami’ coming and no one will be spared..(?)…O.K, I see. He’s saying that shortly they won’t have ANY form of currency….Definitely the ONE WORLD ORDER whites call it the NEW WORLD ORDER. Trampgrifter called the U.S position in the OWO in 2018 and that the U.S would go it alone to craft their own pretend ‘Alternate Reality’ which everyone lives in right now in the U.S-Everybody knows something’s coming but their only concern is keeping whites distracted with Tramp. They are not discussing the USD crashing when B.R.I.C.S doors open in a week. They haven’t mentioned the NEW WHO HEALTH TREATY requiring TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS if you don’t take the PLAGUE JUICE, you can’t work or be treated by a doc. He’s wondering when the DIGITAL CURRENCY and industry stops as a result how he will get gas for his car.