Why are whites choosing not to have kids?
Because white male sperm count is zero. Worldwide. Scientist say it’s due to GMOs/FOREVER CHEMICALS however those toxins are more prevalent & cheaper & are strategically placed in BLKPOC areas. So the reason could only be Biblical “Sins of the Fathers visit the children until the 3rd & 4th generation.” God is doing a Great Reset. AmeriKKKas Human trafficking biz started in 1619. Sooo, there’s that..
Because white male sperm count is zero. Worldwide. Scientist say it’s due to GMOs/FOREVER CHEMICALS however those toxins are more prevalent & cheaper & are strategically placed in BLKPOC areas. So the reason could only be Biblical “Sins of the Fathers visit the children until the 3rd & 4th generation.” God is doing a Great Reset. AmeriKKKas Human trafficking biz started in 1619. Sooo, there’s that..
Why are whites choosing not to have kids?
Because white male sperm count is zero. Worldwide. Scientist say it’s due to GMOs/FOREVER CHEMICALS however those toxins are more prevalent & cheaper & are strategically placed in BLKPOC areas. So the reason could only be Biblical “Sins of the Fathers visit the children until the 3rd & 4th generation.” God is doing a Great Reset. AmeriKKKas Human trafficking biz started in 1619. Sooo, there’s that..