The young Prince Taharqa of Kush, fated to become king of an empire that spreads from his homeland in Sudanese Nubia all the way down to the Nile Delta, leads an invasion of southern Spain circa 700 BC. This is of course another alternate history scenario, but the inspiration came from a handful of apocryphal accounts from historians such as Strabo and Ahmed ibn Mohammed al-Makhari that report that he ventured to the “pillars of Heracles” (the Gibraltar Strait between Spain and Morocco) and led an expedition into Spain. Archaeological evidence of such Kushite forays remains undiscovered, but considering that the Phoenicians from Lebanon had already established trading posts on the Spanish coast as far afield as modern Cadiz by that time, an army from the Nile Valley making it there is not totally impossible. Who knows, maybe Taharqa and his soldiers here are defending one of the Phoenician settlements from hostile local tribes?
The young Prince Taharqa of Kush, fated to become king of an empire that spreads from his homeland in Sudanese Nubia all the way down to the Nile Delta, leads an invasion of southern Spain circa 700 BC. This is of course another alternate history scenario, but the inspiration came from a handful of apocryphal accounts from historians such as Strabo and Ahmed ibn Mohammed al-Makhari that report that he ventured to the “pillars of Heracles” (the Gibraltar Strait between Spain and Morocco) and led an expedition into Spain. Archaeological evidence of such Kushite forays remains undiscovered, but considering that the Phoenicians from Lebanon had already established trading posts on the Spanish coast as far afield as modern Cadiz by that time, an army from the Nile Valley making it there is not totally impossible. Who knows, maybe Taharqa and his soldiers here are defending one of the Phoenician settlements from hostile local tribes?
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