All good evening. I wanted to suggest that since this platform is designed as our black truth that we do our part to support the owners and visionaries who have provided this digital maroon space. There are options made available to use to share media instead of using YouTube, instagram and such who already have enough support. I encourage we use to share videos by importing from other sites and then share here. Or use the download tool to download the videos to upload here - It is important that we not only be on a black platform but we support the platforms which our actions.
All good evening. I wanted to suggest that since this platform is designed as our black truth that we do our part to support the owners and visionaries who have provided this digital maroon space. There are options made available to use to share media instead of using YouTube, instagram and such who already have enough support. I encourage we use to share videos by importing from other sites and then share here. Or use the download tool to download the videos to upload here - It is important that we not only be on a black platform but we support the platforms which our actions.