Prior to The Ethiopian Bible there were the Sumerian Tablets. The Ethiopian Bible is which all white/western religions are based . After the Ethiopian Bible the oldest is The Geneva Bible which was edited cause it tells you exactly who the problem is: 1599 Geneva Bible
12 [a]For we wrestle not against flesh and [b]blood, but against [c]principalities, against POWERS, and against the WORLDLY GOVERNORS, the PRINCES of the DARKNESS of this WORLD, against SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS, which are in the HIGH places.
12 [a]For we wrestle not against flesh and [b]blood, but against [c]principalities, against POWERS, and against the WORLDLY GOVERNORS, the PRINCES of the DARKNESS of this WORLD, against SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS, which are in the HIGH places.
Prior to The Ethiopian Bible there were the Sumerian Tablets. The Ethiopian Bible is which all white/western religions are based . After the Ethiopian Bible the oldest is The Geneva Bible which was edited cause it tells you exactly who the problem is: 1599 Geneva Bible
12 [a]For we wrestle not against flesh and [b]blood, but against [c]principalities, against POWERS, and against the WORLDLY GOVERNORS, the PRINCES of the DARKNESS of this WORLD, against SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS, which are in the HIGH places.