3Rd Horseman of the Apocalypse brings FAMINE :In South Carolina, between 2019-2021:
Food insecurity in South Carolina averaged 12.60%. That makes South Carolina the 8th-hungriest state with a food insecurity rate 18% higher than the national average of 10.4%.Jan 19, 2023
https://www.bread.org › article › so...
South Carolina: A Hunger and Poverty Snapshot - Bread for the World
Food insecurity in South Carolina averaged 12.60%. That makes South Carolina the 8th-hungriest state with a food insecurity rate 18% higher than the national average of 10.4%.Jan 19, 2023
https://www.bread.org › article › so...
South Carolina: A Hunger and Poverty Snapshot - Bread for the World
3Rd Horseman of the Apocalypse brings FAMINE :In South Carolina, between 2019-2021:
Food insecurity in South Carolina averaged 12.60%. That makes South Carolina the 8th-hungriest state with a food insecurity rate 18% higher than the national average of 10.4%.Jan 19, 2023
https://www.bread.org › article › so...
South Carolina: A Hunger and Poverty Snapshot - Bread for the World
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