Start from the beginning son. No matter how crazy it sounds to u the Lawd allowed it to be preserved ‘What has been will be.” “There is nothing new under the sun.” ‘Member. They only gave us a piece of the Ethiopian Bible. Gilgamesh from that t cartoon u use to drive me crazy about. That’s biblical. Check your word. But these ‘ole white folk done turn African folklore and history into the occult, making u think it’s evil. Sumerians prophesied Noah’ Granny bent over to pick up her laundry basket fresh off the line. She said it don’t smell like the sun anymore. She’s gonna stop. I hate that.
Start from the beginning son. No matter how crazy it sounds to u the Lawd allowed it to be preserved ‘What has been will be.” “There is nothing new under the sun.” ‘Member. They only gave us a piece of the Ethiopian Bible. Gilgamesh from that t cartoon u use to drive me crazy about. That’s biblical. Check your word. But these ‘ole white folk done turn African folklore and history into the occult, making u think it’s evil. Sumerians prophesied Noah’ Granny bent over to pick up her laundry basket fresh off the line. She said it don’t smell like the sun anymore. She’s gonna stop. I hate that.

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