What cheese is bioengineered?
Most cheese. It is estimated that 80-90% of the cheese Americans consume is produced with genetically modified rennet. Even cheeses imported from European countries, where GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are limited in agriculture and food production, likely contain GM rennet.Dec 31, 2017
https://www.foodrenegade.com › is-...
Is Your Cheese Made With GMOs? - Food Renegade
Most cheese. It is estimated that 80-90% of the cheese Americans consume is produced with genetically modified rennet. Even cheeses imported from European countries, where GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are limited in agriculture and food production, likely contain GM rennet.Dec 31, 2017
https://www.foodrenegade.com › is-...
Is Your Cheese Made With GMOs? - Food Renegade
What cheese is bioengineered?
Most cheese. It is estimated that 80-90% of the cheese Americans consume is produced with genetically modified rennet. Even cheeses imported from European countries, where GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are limited in agriculture and food production, likely contain GM rennet.Dec 31, 2017
https://www.foodrenegade.com › is-...
Is Your Cheese Made With GMOs? - Food Renegade
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