"Wait. There's another page..here: 'the dams/highways/levees that still work, set them on fire and stole Seneca Park and renamed it Central Park, you primarily steal their historical hones via regentrification today, charging them more for homes, cars so you can have a 2nd home/private beaches/clubs they cant even walk in for your lazy flat azz. What about the millions you poisoned with Syphilis? Or dysentery in Sudan and other BLK/Brown nations? That's why God knocked your sperm count to zero, wiping u out w trump plagues & got the nerve to talk about Putin using Plutonium on his enemies when u did THIS to millions of BLKPOC:
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebb_Cade&ved=2ahUKEwjOp5rsutKIAxWDRzABHTLUAKAQFnoECA0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0wl6XaqCedgXTQQcMg6xC1Ebb Cade (17 March 1890 – 13 April 1953) was a construction worker at Clinton Engineer Works in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and was the…lied and said we were N)88@s when u documented that u kidnapped us from 'Negroland’ @ the Library of Congress ' The land of the Jews' then set up a fake Israel in 1948 & stuffed it with white Russians from the Caucasus mtns, and starved us, served us sub standard healthcare, under appraised our homes, experimented on us with LSD/MKULTRA…even God dispieses u..didn't he say he was bringing 🔥 for your azz. You're down to 70,000 soldiers, Russians got 1.5 mil, China has 3M…The first shall be last and the last shall be first…That's why u ppl are on the book banning crusade…Putin/Ping release your CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY catalogs next. Get your running shoes..you're hated everywhere..
"Wait. There's another page..here: 'the dams/highways/levees that still work, set them on fire and stole Seneca Park and renamed it Central Park, you primarily steal their historical hones via regentrification today, charging them more for homes, cars so you can have a 2nd home/private beaches/clubs they cant even walk in for your lazy flat azz. What about the millions you poisoned with Syphilis? Or dysentery in Sudan and other BLK/Brown nations? That's why God knocked your sperm count to zero, wiping u out w trump plagues & got the nerve to talk about Putin using Plutonium on his enemies when u did THIS to millions of BLKPOC: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebb_Cade&ved=2ahUKEwjOp5rsutKIAxWDRzABHTLUAKAQFnoECA0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0wl6XaqCedgXTQQcMg6xC1Ebb Cade (17 March 1890 – 13 April 1953) was a construction worker at Clinton Engineer Works in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and was the…lied and said we were N)88@s when u documented that u kidnapped us from 'Negroland’ @ the Library of Congress ' The land of the Jews' then set up a fake Israel in 1948 & stuffed it with white Russians from the Caucasus mtns, and starved us, served us sub standard healthcare, under appraised our homes, experimented on us with LSD/MKULTRA…even God dispieses u..didn't he say he was bringing 🔥 for your azz. You're down to 70,000 soldiers, Russians got 1.5 mil, China has 3M…The first shall be last and the last shall be first…That's why u ppl are on the book banning crusade…Putin/Ping release your CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY catalogs next. Get your running shoes..you're hated everywhere..
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