"Here we go. U know I read obscure articles Germaine to the same issue, endtimes, signs. THEY are beginning to take $ out of circulation in preparation for the digital currency." Jah said, "Man I read that. It's obvious. Wish I knew who my people were in Jamaica" Drake said, "Not Jamaica. Not yet. U.S still tearing it up for the oil" Malik said, "You'll never have $ in your hands again. Your $ will be in the cloud/on a card, until they tell u to be chipped or eyeball scanned, for permanent I.D.:https://vibes.okdiario.com/vibus/money/withdraw-100-dollar-notes-circulatn/
"Here we go. U know I read obscure articles Germaine to the same issue, endtimes, signs. THEY are beginning to take $ out of circulation in preparation for the digital currency." Jah said, "Man I read that. It's obvious. Wish I knew who my people were in Jamaica" Drake said, "Not Jamaica. Not yet. U.S still tearing it up for the oil" Malik said, "You'll never have $ in your hands again. Your $ will be in the cloud/on a card, until they tell u to be chipped or eyeball scanned, for permanent I.D.:https://vibes.okdiario.com/vibus/money/withdraw-100-dollar-notes-circulatn/
Withdrawing the 100-dollar notes From Circulation
Can you imagine that there were no 100-dollar notes in the United States? Some experts believe it would be a good idea
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