Continuation from Post Directly Above.
From time to time, I'm going to present to you Black/Afrikan History books and other books about our people, and our history to read. You need to grow your mind to have a clear understanding of our history and what happened to our people.
The books that I will present after this one will only be revealed in my NAFBP private group at BackRoom Social.
You need to understand our ancestors, culture, spiritual systems, and what it was like back in the day. Learn from the mistakes our Black/Afrikan ancestors made by not coming together and preparing for war by enemies who have been watching us, infiltrating and learning from us only to invade, conquer, destroy, steal, and enslave which is still happening today but in other forms such as an enslaved Black mind.
You should get your copy, either free or paid for. Many books written by our Black Historians and Scholars can be found on Google in a free PDF version.
Just Google the name of the book and author. Add 'free PDF' at the end of your search term.
Here's one book that took me a long time to read but was worth every minute of my time reading it.
The Destruction of the Black Civilization by Chancellor Williams
From time to time, I'm going to present to you Black/Afrikan History books and other books about our people, and our history to read. You need to grow your mind to have a clear understanding of our history and what happened to our people.
The books that I will present after this one will only be revealed in my NAFBP private group at BackRoom Social.
You need to understand our ancestors, culture, spiritual systems, and what it was like back in the day. Learn from the mistakes our Black/Afrikan ancestors made by not coming together and preparing for war by enemies who have been watching us, infiltrating and learning from us only to invade, conquer, destroy, steal, and enslave which is still happening today but in other forms such as an enslaved Black mind.
You should get your copy, either free or paid for. Many books written by our Black Historians and Scholars can be found on Google in a free PDF version.
Just Google the name of the book and author. Add 'free PDF' at the end of your search term.
Here's one book that took me a long time to read but was worth every minute of my time reading it.
The Destruction of the Black Civilization by Chancellor Williams
Continuation from Post Directly Above.
From time to time, I'm going to present to you Black/Afrikan History books and other books about our people, and our history to read. You need to grow your mind to have a clear understanding of our history and what happened to our people.
The books that I will present after this one will only be revealed in my NAFBP private group at BackRoom Social.
You need to understand our ancestors, culture, spiritual systems, and what it was like back in the day. Learn from the mistakes our Black/Afrikan ancestors made by not coming together and preparing for war by enemies who have been watching us, infiltrating and learning from us only to invade, conquer, destroy, steal, and enslave which is still happening today but in other forms such as an enslaved Black mind.
You should get your copy, either free or paid for. Many books written by our Black Historians and Scholars can be found on Google in a free PDF version.
Just Google the name of the book and author. Add 'free PDF' at the end of your search term.
Here's one book that took me a long time to read but was worth every minute of my time reading it.
The Destruction of the Black Civilization by Chancellor Williams