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    0 Comments 0 Shares 215 Views 0 Reviews
  • U.S finances Hezbollah, Hamas, other terrorist sometimes $40M or more a week. What normal ppl would want to keep something going all the time! France confirmed this, so they weren't sure until Putin & Ping started dropping dimes:
    U.S finances Hezbollah, Hamas, other terrorist sometimes $40M or more a week. What normal ppl would want to keep something going all the time! France confirmed this, so they weren't sure until Putin & Ping started dropping dimes:
    0 Comments 0 Shares 223 Views 0 Reviews
  • Here's how 339 years of slavery affects us today with Dr. Joy DeGruy

    Here's how 339 years of slavery affects us today with Dr. Joy DeGruy #DrJoyDegruy #slavery #epigenetics #posttraumaticslavesyndrome
    0 Comments 0 Shares 299 Views 0 Reviews
  • Africa stripped the U.S drone base:
    Africa stripped the U.S drone base:
    0 Comments 0 Shares 184 Views 0 Reviews
  • This is why many Blacks went into crime after slavery in America. The 40 acres and a mule never came, not even the $100 they promised.

    In essence, they were telling us to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps or crawl under a rock and die.

    Then this came after slavery...

    How Racism Was Designed

    This is why many Blacks went into crime after slavery in America. The 40 acres and a mule never came, not even the $100 they promised. In essence, they were telling us to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps or crawl under a rock and die. Then this came after slavery... How Racism Was Designed #systemicracism #blackamericans #America #slavery #Dr.ClaudAnderson
    0 Comments 0 Shares 251 Views 0 Reviews
  • First Americans Were Afrikans

    DAVID IMHOTEP Ph.D. In 2008 David Imhotep, Ph.D. received the world’s first Ph.D. in Ancient African History from Union University in Cincinnati, Ohio. He has served as President of the Egyptology Society of Miami at the Miami Museum of Science and Planetarium and he was the founder of the Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations (ASCAC), Miami Chapter, established in 1991. One of Dr. Imhotep’s primary reasons for wanting a Ph.D.

    in Ancient African history was to secure the credentials needed to fight white supremacy in academia. Dr. Imhotep’s first attack on white supremacy in academia began with editorial rebuttals to Eurocentric articles that appeared in Atlantis Rising Magazine, as well as a response to National Geographic’s, “The Black Pharaohs” in the February 2008 issue correcting them on the African Ancestry of all Pharaohs until the Greek Ptolemies. His latest completed work is an article on the “African Aqualithic” just accepted by the Journal of Black Studies.

    Widely respected as an outstanding researcher and Afrotologist, Dr. Imhotep has been researching and collecting information on Black history since 1970. His doctoral dissertation, “Nile Valley Civilizations Predated that of Mesopotamia” (a 450-page book available from Dr. Imhotep) provided the impetus for his book, The First Americans Were Africans: Documented Evidence. Visit Dr. Imhotep on the web at:

    Read More at the NAFBP (New Awakening for Black People) Private Group on The BlackRoom Social Platform...
    If you are not currently a member, you may need an invite code from me. Just message me and I will give you a code so you can join the NAFBP Private Group.

    It's time to study all our Black/Afrikan History from the 4-corners of the world to see the greatness of our ancestors.

    First Americans Were Afrikans DAVID IMHOTEP Ph.D. In 2008 David Imhotep, Ph.D. received the world’s first Ph.D. in Ancient African History from Union University in Cincinnati, Ohio. He has served as President of the Egyptology Society of Miami at the Miami Museum of Science and Planetarium and he was the founder of the Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations (ASCAC), Miami Chapter, established in 1991. One of Dr. Imhotep’s primary reasons for wanting a Ph.D. in Ancient African history was to secure the credentials needed to fight white supremacy in academia. Dr. Imhotep’s first attack on white supremacy in academia began with editorial rebuttals to Eurocentric articles that appeared in Atlantis Rising Magazine, as well as a response to National Geographic’s, “The Black Pharaohs” in the February 2008 issue correcting them on the African Ancestry of all Pharaohs until the Greek Ptolemies. His latest completed work is an article on the “African Aqualithic” just accepted by the Journal of Black Studies. Widely respected as an outstanding researcher and Afrotologist, Dr. Imhotep has been researching and collecting information on Black history since 1970. His doctoral dissertation, “Nile Valley Civilizations Predated that of Mesopotamia” (a 450-page book available from Dr. Imhotep) provided the impetus for his book, The First Americans Were Africans: Documented Evidence. Visit Dr. Imhotep on the web at: ----------- Read More at the NAFBP (New Awakening for Black People) Private Group on The BlackRoom Social Platform... If you are not currently a member, you may need an invite code from me. Just message me and I will give you a code so you can join the NAFBP Private Group. It's time to study all our Black/Afrikan History from the 4-corners of the world to see the greatness of our ancestors. #IndigeneousBlacks #Africans #americas #BlackHistory #Dr.DavidImhotep #BlackIndians #FirstAmericans
    0 Comments 0 Shares 398 Views 0 Reviews
  • Cov causes metabolic disease/syndrome common with Cov/vaxx:
    Cov causes metabolic disease/syndrome common with Cov/vaxx:
    The Metabolic Syndrome
    The metabolic syndrome is the name of a cluster of risk factors that, when they appear together, dramatically raise your risk of heart disease, heart failure, stroke and diabetes, as well as other non-cardiovascular conditions.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 239 Views 0 Reviews
    0 Comments 0 Shares 240 Views 0 Reviews
    Post from Bible Stories 24h
    Benjamin Netanyahu and the End-Time Revelation???Is Black Jesus the Messiah of the Last Days?
    0 Comments 0 Shares 246 Views 0 Reviews
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