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  • How they make the connection between Hermes and Greeks and not between Toth/Hermes and African...Apocrypha:Thoth's qualities also led to him being identified by the Greeks with their closest matching god Hermes, with whom Thoth was eventually combined as Hermes Trismegistus, leading to the Greeks' naming Thoth's cult center as Hermopolis, meaning city of Hermes. › wiki › Th...
    Thoth - Wikipedia
    How they make the connection between Hermes and Greeks and not between Toth/Hermes and African...Apocrypha:Thoth's qualities also led to him being identified by the Greeks with their closest matching god Hermes, with whom Thoth was eventually combined as Hermes Trismegistus, leading to the Greeks' naming Thoth's cult center as Hermopolis, meaning city of Hermes. › wiki › Th... Thoth - Wikipedia
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  • What was the name prior to Afrika?

    Credit to: Sammy Scott on Facebook...

    According to Senegalese historian Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, the ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan, which means "mother of mankind" or "garden of Eden". The name was used by the Moors, Nubians, Ethiopians, and other indigenous people.

    The name Africa was given to the continent by the ancient Romans and Greeks. Some experts believe that the name Africa comes from two Phoenician words, "friqi" and "pharika", which translate to "corn" and "fruit".

    The word "Africa" came into existence in the late 17th century. Initially, it only referred to the northern part of the continent. Around that time, the continent had been colonized, and the Europeans ruled over its people as slaves. They influenced the change of identity from Alkebulan to its present name.

    What was the name prior to Afrika? Credit to: Sammy Scott on Facebook... According to Senegalese historian Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, the ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan, which means "mother of mankind" or "garden of Eden". The name was used by the Moors, Nubians, Ethiopians, and other indigenous people. The name Africa was given to the continent by the ancient Romans and Greeks. Some experts believe that the name Africa comes from two Phoenician words, "friqi" and "pharika", which translate to "corn" and "fruit". The word "Africa" came into existence in the late 17th century. Initially, it only referred to the northern part of the continent. Around that time, the continent had been colonized, and the Europeans ruled over its people as slaves. They influenced the change of identity from Alkebulan to its present name. #DrCheikhAntaDiop #Alkebulan #Afrika
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  • What Happened To The Original North African Berber (Amazigh)?

    What controversy is there?

    We're talking about the original Berbers just like the original Romans, Vikings, Greeks, Irish, Scottish, and Europeans that ruled were Black.

    Afrikans (ancient Afrika, Kemet--a.k.a ancient Egypt) were Black. Keep in mind white European, Asian, and Arab invaders came later and ruled, and to nicely put it gave the mixture to Afrikans and a lightness of the skin. White Europeans try to replace the original Berbers, Kemet (ancient Egypt), and Afrikan history with their HIS-STORY.

    Watch the video, it's very educational and also covers the Black Moors (mostly if not all Muslims) enslavement of white Europeans, in particular white women.

    You'll also learn how much of North Afrika became light, and very light, and the coming of white people and non-Black population.

    What Happened To The Original North African Berber (Amazigh)? What controversy is there? We're talking about the original Berbers just like the original Romans, Vikings, Greeks, Irish, Scottish, and Europeans that ruled were Black. Afrikans (ancient Afrika, Kemet--a.k.a ancient Egypt) were Black. Keep in mind white European, Asian, and Arab invaders came later and ruled, and to nicely put it gave the mixture to Afrikans and a lightness of the skin. White Europeans try to replace the original Berbers, Kemet (ancient Egypt), and Afrikan history with their HIS-STORY. Watch the video, it's very educational and also covers the Black Moors (mostly if not all Muslims) enslavement of white Europeans, in particular white women. You'll also learn how much of North Afrika became light, and very light, and the coming of white people and non-Black population. #Berbers #NorthAfrika
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  • Dr. Asa Hilliard's Kemet Timeline shows many invasion dates of Kemet (a.k.a. ancient Egypt--Greek name) which is well documented. See the image below.

    This comes from Dr. Asa Hillard--The Master Keys to Study Ancient Kemet--YouTube

    There's another Kemet timeline that I found that also shows the dates of invasions in Kemet. I posted this further down this FB page along with additional info presented by a different source.


    * Egyptian period of HYKSOS rule (1638 B.C. - 1530 B.C.)
    * Egyptian period of KUSHITE rule (746 to 653 B.C.)
    * Egyptian period of ASSYRIAN rule (673 B.C. - 663 B.C.)
    * Egyptian period of PERSIAN rule (525 B.C. - 404 B.C.)
    * Egyptian period of GREEK rule (332 B.C. - 30 B.C.)
    * Egyptian period of ROMAN rule (30 B.C. - 627 A.D)
    * Egyptian period of ARAB rule (627 A.D. - 868 A.D.)

    However, there's a bit of controversy between the two timelines regarding some of the invasion dates in Kemet. I'm not sure who actually presented the timeline dates above but I am more aware and trustworthy of Dr. Hilliard's Timeline. Then again, there could be new data that came out that I don't know about.

    You can watch the video above as Dr. Hilliard teaches us about Kemet and his timeline as demonstrated in the video above.

    Dr. Asa Hilliard's Kemet Timeline shows many invasion dates of Kemet (a.k.a. ancient Egypt--Greek name) which is well documented. See the image below. This comes from Dr. Asa Hillard--The Master Keys to Study Ancient Kemet--YouTube There's another Kemet timeline that I found that also shows the dates of invasions in Kemet. I posted this further down this FB page along with additional info presented by a different source. Timeline: * Egyptian period of HYKSOS rule (1638 B.C. - 1530 B.C.) * Egyptian period of KUSHITE rule (746 to 653 B.C.) * Egyptian period of ASSYRIAN rule (673 B.C. - 663 B.C.) * Egyptian period of PERSIAN rule (525 B.C. - 404 B.C.) * Egyptian period of GREEK rule (332 B.C. - 30 B.C.) * Egyptian period of ROMAN rule (30 B.C. - 627 A.D) * Egyptian period of ARAB rule (627 A.D. - 868 A.D.) However, there's a bit of controversy between the two timelines regarding some of the invasion dates in Kemet. I'm not sure who actually presented the timeline dates above but I am more aware and trustworthy of Dr. Hilliard's Timeline. Then again, there could be new data that came out that I don't know about. You can watch the video above as Dr. Hilliard teaches us about Kemet and his timeline as demonstrated in the video above. #Kemet #AncientEgypt #Invasions #Afrika #Hyksos #Persians #Greeks #Romans #Arabs #EuropeanSlavery #Kushites #Assyrians
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  • Ep 15. DNA just gave a SURPRISING fact on Ancient Greece, showing that they were Afrikan

    Ep 15. DNA just gave a SURPRISING fact on Ancient Greece, showing that they were Afrikan #AncientGreeks #Afrikans #History
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  • Most of our Black brothers and sisters are unaware that Black people (Afrikan) ruled Europe before white Europeans came and battled against them. There were Black aristocrats, royals, and Black Moors that went into Spain and civilized it.

    There were Black Romans, Black Greeks, and Black Asians before the white European invasions.

    Fact: Afrikans were the first to create and build civilizations.

    Complete Falsehood: White Europeans created/built civilization.

    And more white lies continue even today that are taught in white European schools, their history books, their media, etc.

    Truth is not all hidden and what was hard to find is being revealed now about Black people that whites continue to fear.

    You must not continue listening to those history and discovery channels. They are Europeanized and rigged--never telling Black people the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    Watch this video, learn the facts, and find out why white Europeans tried to destroy and remove all Black paintings, busts, books, literature, and history about Blacks ruling European lands.

    ELIZABETH SUPPRESSED, Primary accounts of Black Nobility in Europe
    Most of our Black brothers and sisters are unaware that Black people (Afrikan) ruled Europe before white Europeans came and battled against them. There were Black aristocrats, royals, and Black Moors that went into Spain and civilized it. There were Black Romans, Black Greeks, and Black Asians before the white European invasions. Fact: Afrikans were the first to create and build civilizations. Complete Falsehood: White Europeans created/built civilization. And more white lies continue even today that are taught in white European schools, their history books, their media, etc. Truth is not all hidden and what was hard to find is being revealed now about Black people that whites continue to fear. You must not continue listening to those history and discovery channels. They are Europeanized and rigged--never telling Black people the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Watch this video, learn the facts, and find out why white Europeans tried to destroy and remove all Black paintings, busts, books, literature, and history about Blacks ruling European lands. ELIZABETH SUPPRESSED, Primary accounts of Black Nobility in Europe #BlackEuropeans #Aboriginals #BlackRoyals #BlackAristocrats #Civilization #Moors #Afrikans #Blacks #Europe
    0 Comments 0 Shares 10K Views 0 Reviews