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  • Here comes the religion, the anti-Christ, Mark of the Beast. When tramp was messing up last time, he didn't know the shortest Bible verse "Jesus wept". Fact Sheet: President Donald J. Trump Establishes ...
    ESTABLISHING A FAITH OFFICE: Today, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order to establish the White House 'FAITH' ofc....

    President Donald J. Trump Eradicates Anti-Christian Bias
    Feb 6, 2025 — STANDING UP FOR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY: President Donald J. Trump is committed to protecting Americans....
    Here comes the religion, the anti-Christ, Mark of the Beast. When tramp was messing up last time, he didn't know the shortest Bible verse "Jesus wept". Fact Sheet: President Donald J. Trump Establishes ... ESTABLISHING A FAITH OFFICE: Today, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order to establish the White House 'FAITH' ofc.... President Donald J. Trump Eradicates Anti-Christian Bias Feb 6, 2025 — STANDING UP FOR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY: President Donald J. Trump is committed to protecting Americans....
    0 Comments 0 Shares 223 Views 0 Reviews
  • It's Afrikan Sacred Science (Spirituality) according to Prof. James Small.

    We should not call it Christianity to confuse people. Christianity is not the same as Spirituality.

    Former Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I said it best, and I quote...

    "Spirituality does not come from religion. It comes from our soul."

    "We must stop confusing religion with spirituality. Religion is a set of rules, regulations, and rituals created by humans, whereas spirituality is God's divine path for us."

    This is what separated us, our Afrikan ancestors--Black people across the 4-corners of the world, from those who created man-made religions. Spirituality is based on the study of nature which developed into science.

    It's Afrikan Sacred Science (Spirituality) according to Prof. James Small. We should not call it Christianity to confuse people. Christianity is not the same as Spirituality. Former Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I said it best, and I quote... "Spirituality does not come from religion. It comes from our soul." "We must stop confusing religion with spirituality. Religion is a set of rules, regulations, and rituals created by humans, whereas spirituality is God's divine path for us." ----- This is what separated us, our Afrikan ancestors--Black people across the 4-corners of the world, from those who created man-made religions. Spirituality is based on the study of nature which developed into science. #Spirituality #Afrikan #SacredScience #HaileSelassie
    0 Comments 0 Shares 760 Views 0 Reviews
  • One World Order/One world religion coming:
    One World Order/One world religion coming:
    0 Comments 0 Shares 230 Views 0 Reviews
  • True Location of Real Jerusalem ==> South Afrika

    The wise man/woman without bias explores and researches all data from all sources without prejudice, even outside of his/her comfort zone and belief systems. After gathering all the data, analyzes it, and weighs it to reach a conclusion while also understanding the motives behind what was told. The 'How' and 'Why' questions must also be asked and answered during the process.

    So when you read the map and watch the video, try to keep an open mind and do your due diligence to research on your own without any bias. The point is the TRUTH is what really matters and getting at the TRUTH means valuing and accepting the TRUTH no matter where it comes from which also means having sound reasoning and good common sense.

    Can I get an Ase'?

    P.S. Join me and my NAFBP (New Awakening for Black People) private group to find and learn more historical information about us, our ancestors, our history, Afrika, and our migration to the 4-corners of the world during ancient times. Learn what we accomplished and how we were as a people before religions, and before the Asian, white European, and Arab invasions-colonizations.

    Find out what led to our demise that allowed us to be enslaved, colonized, conquered, ruled over, brainwashed, manipulated, and appear as scums of the earth by Westerns and Easterners of the world.

    Our Black Afrikan ancestors have sinned and we are suffering for that sin today. This explains why we must learn all of our Black history and ancient Afrikan history so that we can truly learn from our ancestors' mistakes and stop repeating them as we still do today.

    Join Here: The Backroom (sister social network of Sikhona Social)
    ***An invite code may be needed. If so, tell me and I will create the code for you to use.

    NAFBP Found Here:

    True Location of Real Jerusalem ==> South Afrika The wise man/woman without bias explores and researches all data from all sources without prejudice, even outside of his/her comfort zone and belief systems. After gathering all the data, analyzes it, and weighs it to reach a conclusion while also understanding the motives behind what was told. The 'How' and 'Why' questions must also be asked and answered during the process. So when you read the map and watch the video, try to keep an open mind and do your due diligence to research on your own without any bias. The point is the TRUTH is what really matters and getting at the TRUTH means valuing and accepting the TRUTH no matter where it comes from which also means having sound reasoning and good common sense. Can I get an Ase'? P.S. Join me and my NAFBP (New Awakening for Black People) private group to find and learn more historical information about us, our ancestors, our history, Afrika, and our migration to the 4-corners of the world during ancient times. Learn what we accomplished and how we were as a people before religions, and before the Asian, white European, and Arab invasions-colonizations. Find out what led to our demise that allowed us to be enslaved, colonized, conquered, ruled over, brainwashed, manipulated, and appear as scums of the earth by Westerns and Easterners of the world. Our Black Afrikan ancestors have sinned and we are suffering for that sin today. This explains why we must learn all of our Black history and ancient Afrikan history so that we can truly learn from our ancestors' mistakes and stop repeating them as we still do today. Join Here: The Backroom (sister social network of Sikhona Social) ***An invite code may be needed. If so, tell me and I will create the code for you to use. NAFBP Found Here: #Jerusalem #Africa
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2K Views 0 Reviews
  • They are asking you about your faith in God. Think before you speak. You are non denominational. All the religions in the U.S are white man made. God never said be any religion. Just believe on him. Last days:
    They are asking you about your faith in God. Think before you speak. You are non denominational. All the religions in the U.S are white man made. God never said be any religion. Just believe on him. Last days:
    0 Comments 0 Shares 479 Views 0 Reviews
  • answer what religion you are. Say 'Non-Denominational'. These religions were made up by whites anyway. They are preparation for 'Sunday Laws. It's a way of identifying'dissenters'. My friend was about to be arrested. When they started the questions they asked him 'Does God talk to you?' Trick question. Your religion has nothing to do with anything. answer what religion you are. Say 'Non-Denominational'. These religions were made up by whites anyway. They are preparation for 'Sunday Laws. It's a way of identifying'dissenters'. My friend was about to be arrested. When they started the questions they asked him 'Does God talk to you?' Trick question. Your religion has nothing to do with anything.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 519 Views 0 Reviews
  • I would just like to chat with someone. Pick a topic other than politics and religion.
    I would just like to chat with someone. Pick a topic other than politics and religion.
    1 Comments 1 Shares 1K Views 0 Reviews
  • Apocrypha. $20 on EBay. The real names of the Biblical characters, like who was Gilgamesh, Enki,etc., The first thing Amerikkka will give you in their ALTERNATE REALITY view is the Hebrew version when they jacked the culture of the black ppl before them, the Sumerian:What is Noah's name in Sumerian?
    Ziusudra, in Mesopotamian Religion, rough counterpart to the biblical Noah as survivor of a god-sent flood. When the gods had decided to destroy humanity with a flood, the god Enki (Akkadian Ea), who did not agree with the decree, revealed it to Ziusudra, a man well known for his humility and obedience.May 24, 2024 › topic
    Ziusudra | Noah, Flood & Sumerian - Britannica
    Apocrypha. $20 on EBay. The real names of the Biblical characters, like who was Gilgamesh, Enki,etc., The first thing Amerikkka will give you in their ALTERNATE REALITY view is the Hebrew version when they jacked the culture of the black ppl before them, the Sumerian:What is Noah's name in Sumerian? Ziusudra Ziusudra, in Mesopotamian Religion, rough counterpart to the biblical Noah as survivor of a god-sent flood. When the gods had decided to destroy humanity with a flood, the god Enki (Akkadian Ea), who did not agree with the decree, revealed it to Ziusudra, a man well known for his humility and obedience.May 24, 2024 › topic Ziusudra | Noah, Flood & Sumerian - Britannica
    Encyclopedia Britannica
    Explore the fact-checked online encyclopedia from Encyclopaedia Britannica with hundreds of thousands of objective articles, biographies, videos, and images from experts.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1K Views 0 Reviews
  • Hmmmm…. Ziusudra, in Mesopotamian Religion, rough counterpart to the biblical Noah as survivor of a god-sent flood. When the gods had decided to destroy humanity with a flood, the god Enki (Akkadian Ea), who did not agree with the decree, revealed it to Ziusudra, a man well known for his humility and obedience. Ziusudra did as Enki commanded him and built a huge boat, in which he successfully rode out the flood. Afterward, he prostrated himself before the gods An (Anu) and Enlil (Bel), and, as a reward for living a godly life, Ziusudra was given immortality. See Utnapishtim.
    Hmmmm…. Ziusudra, in Mesopotamian Religion, rough counterpart to the biblical Noah as survivor of a god-sent flood. When the gods had decided to destroy humanity with a flood, the god Enki (Akkadian Ea), who did not agree with the decree, revealed it to Ziusudra, a man well known for his humility and obedience. Ziusudra did as Enki commanded him and built a huge boat, in which he successfully rode out the flood. Afterward, he prostrated himself before the gods An (Anu) and Enlil (Bel), and, as a reward for living a godly life, Ziusudra was given immortality. See Utnapishtim.
    3 Comments 0 Shares 1K Views 0 Reviews
  • Prior to The Ethiopian Bible there were the Sumerian Tablets. The Ethiopian Bible is which all white/western religions are based . After the Ethiopian Bible the oldest is The Geneva Bible which was edited cause it tells you exactly who the problem is: 1599 Geneva Bible
    12 [a]For we wrestle not against flesh and [b]blood, but against [c]principalities, against POWERS, and against the WORLDLY GOVERNORS, the PRINCES of the DARKNESS of this WORLD, against SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS, which are in the HIGH places.
    Prior to The Ethiopian Bible there were the Sumerian Tablets. The Ethiopian Bible is which all white/western religions are based . After the Ethiopian Bible the oldest is The Geneva Bible which was edited cause it tells you exactly who the problem is: 1599 Geneva Bible 12 [a]For we wrestle not against flesh and [b]blood, but against [c]principalities, against POWERS, and against the WORLDLY GOVERNORS, the PRINCES of the DARKNESS of this WORLD, against SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS, which are in the HIGH places.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 881 Views 0 Reviews
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