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  • Ramses lll, The Table of Nations as explained by Dr. Clyde Winters.

    Why did the Egyptians call themselves kemiu: (Black people B1)

    Ramses lll, The Table of Nations as explained by Dr. Clyde Winters. Why did the Egyptians call themselves kemiu: (Black people B1) #ancientegyptian #kemet #TablesOfNations #blackpeople #DrClydeWinters
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  • MISGIVING - The First Thanksgiving and the Maroons

    The origin of Thanksgiving is the history never told to Black people (Black Indians) in America who need to know the truth.

    Slavery did not start in America during 1619. It started way earlier. It was the Black Indians (Aboriginals) already in the land now called America who were enslaved after wars with white European invaders.

    MISGIVING - The First Thanksgiving and the Maroons The origin of Thanksgiving is the history never told to Black people (Black Indians) in America who need to know the truth. Slavery did not start in America during 1619. It started way earlier. It was the Black Indians (Aboriginals) already in the land now called America who were enslaved after wars with white European invaders. #Thanksgiving #blackamericans #blackpeople #africanamerican #holidayseason #blackindian
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    Ep 14. Recent Genetic Studies on Ancient Egyptians Finally Show That They Were...

    YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!! Ep 14. Recent Genetic Studies on Ancient Egyptians Finally Show That They Were... #ancientegyptians #BlackAfrikans #blackamericans #BlackPeople #blackafrikanhistory #geneticstudies
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  • Did you know Afrikans (Blacks) produce more geniuses than any other human species?...

    The proof is in the pudding!

    In the video when you watch it, Dr. Robinson speaks of Willie Lynch. My research and discovery led to the actual writer/author of the Willie Lynch letter (a Black man). You can find the video interview on YouTube.

    Although the story (Willie Lynch) is fake the reality of the all incidents in those stories are about as real as real can get--speaking of all the acts of evilness, and atrocities committed towards Black slaves in America.

    As you continue watching the video, Dr. Robinson reveals the proof of How and Why Black Afrikans produce the most geniuses.

    WHAT MAKES BLACK PEOPLE DIFFERENT? Dr. Edward W. Robinson, Kennth Kid

    # DrEdwardRobinson
    Did you know Afrikans (Blacks) produce more geniuses than any other human species?... The proof is in the pudding! In the video when you watch it, Dr. Robinson speaks of Willie Lynch. My research and discovery led to the actual writer/author of the Willie Lynch letter (a Black man). You can find the video interview on YouTube. Although the story (Willie Lynch) is fake the reality of the all incidents in those stories are about as real as real can get--speaking of all the acts of evilness, and atrocities committed towards Black slaves in America. As you continue watching the video, Dr. Robinson reveals the proof of How and Why Black Afrikans produce the most geniuses. WHAT MAKES BLACK PEOPLE DIFFERENT? Dr. Edward W. Robinson, Kennth Kid #BlackPeople #Geniuses #Afrikans #GeneticDiversity # DrEdwardRobinson
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  • "Black People are the Smartest Humans" - Neil Tyson (+ why it's a BAD thing)

    It has been documented that Afrikans possess the highest genetic diversity that can produce all skin, eye, and hair colors, including features, sizes, and the ability to produce more geniuses than other human species.

    But because of how Afrikans have been always portrayed by other human species in the worst negative way (negativity bias), and by design, the world sees Afrikans with a negative, racist, prejudiced eye.

    Some say China has the largest population. I beg to differ. Afrika has the largest population because it has a large number of Afrikan tribes living with populations not documented--living off-grid.

    But putting that aside, even if Afrika doesn't have the largest population now, it will become the #1 largest in some years to come that was scientifically and mathematically documented.

    Afrika can become a world power even if those with an agenda make sure it never becomes one. Africans need to start by uniting the 54 countries into one government with many branches of government for each one of the 54 states.

    Are Afrikans something to be feared? Absolutely not!

    Throughout history... It was never Afrikans ambition to conquer and rule the world, commit genocide, and enslave other human species as feared. It's the fear factor that leads others to keep Afrikans down in every possible way knowing that Afrika feeds the world and their pockets.

    Afikans had access to gun power (black powder) long before white Europeans but never used it as a weapon of mass destruction, to conquer and destroy. Afrika is not a worldwide threat but only to those with a sick, greedy, and prejudiced mind does Afrika and Afrikans become a global threat.

    "Black People are the Smartest Humans" - Neil Tyson (+ why it's a BAD thing) It has been documented that Afrikans possess the highest genetic diversity that can produce all skin, eye, and hair colors, including features, sizes, and the ability to produce more geniuses than other human species. But because of how Afrikans have been always portrayed by other human species in the worst negative way (negativity bias), and by design, the world sees Afrikans with a negative, racist, prejudiced eye. Some say China has the largest population. I beg to differ. Afrika has the largest population because it has a large number of Afrikan tribes living with populations not documented--living off-grid. But putting that aside, even if Afrika doesn't have the largest population now, it will become the #1 largest in some years to come that was scientifically and mathematically documented. Afrika can become a world power even if those with an agenda make sure it never becomes one. Africans need to start by uniting the 54 countries into one government with many branches of government for each one of the 54 states. Are Afrikans something to be feared? Absolutely not! Throughout history... It was never Afrikans ambition to conquer and rule the world, commit genocide, and enslave other human species as feared. It's the fear factor that leads others to keep Afrikans down in every possible way knowing that Afrika feeds the world and their pockets. Afikans had access to gun power (black powder) long before white Europeans but never used it as a weapon of mass destruction, to conquer and destroy. Afrika is not a worldwide threat but only to those with a sick, greedy, and prejudiced mind does Afrika and Afrikans become a global threat. #Afrikans #africa #BlackPeople #GeneticDiversity #negativitybias #Racism #Prejudice
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  • Exclusive Only to Black/Afrikan Brothers and Sisters of all Skin Tones...
    All Your Black/Afrikan History Under One Roof Going Back 1000s of Years Up to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Colonization of Afrika, and What Came Thereafter. Our History Covers the 4-Corners of the World.
    We are everything you may not think we are and a lot more whether you accept it or not.
    The true Aboriginals in Europe, Australia, and America which also includes the Americas. Our ancient Afrika ancestors went into Asia and left a huge footprint there as well.
    Our history includes the Moores, Indians, Hebrews, Afrikans, Kemites (Ancient Egypt), Cush, Kings, and Queens, the Wealthy, Irish/Scottish Blacks, Indian Blacks, Aboriginals, Mende, Bantu, and many more you may be unaware of.
    Learn how you are connected to your Black Afrikan ancestors of ancient times and remove from your mind what they taught you about Afrika and your people. What they don't want us to know about our history frightens them should we find out and learn who we truly are.
    We have no friends, we only have ourselves if we come together and unite so we can reset our greatness and place in this world once again.
    Join my NAFBP (New Awakening For Black People) private group at The BackRoom where we can say what we mean and mean what we say. No looking over our shoulders or getting shut down when spilling the truth about other groups of people that committed great evil upon us.
    1. Join The Backroom, Founder Michael Thompson (same owner of OBT Social)
    NOTE: If you need an Invite Code let me know and I will send you an invite.
    2. Search for, New Awakening and Join.
    Exclusive Only to Black/Afrikan Brothers and Sisters of all Skin Tones... All Your Black/Afrikan History Under One Roof Going Back 1000s of Years Up to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Colonization of Afrika, and What Came Thereafter. Our History Covers the 4-Corners of the World. We are everything you may not think we are and a lot more whether you accept it or not. The true Aboriginals in Europe, Australia, and America which also includes the Americas. Our ancient Afrika ancestors went into Asia and left a huge footprint there as well. Our history includes the Moores, Indians, Hebrews, Afrikans, Kemites (Ancient Egypt), Cush, Kings, and Queens, the Wealthy, Irish/Scottish Blacks, Indian Blacks, Aboriginals, Mende, Bantu, and many more you may be unaware of. Learn how you are connected to your Black Afrikan ancestors of ancient times and remove from your mind what they taught you about Afrika and your people. What they don't want us to know about our history frightens them should we find out and learn who we truly are. We have no friends, we only have ourselves if we come together and unite so we can reset our greatness and place in this world once again. Join my NAFBP (New Awakening For Black People) private group at The BackRoom where we can say what we mean and mean what we say. No looking over our shoulders or getting shut down when spilling the truth about other groups of people that committed great evil upon us. 1. Join The Backroom, Founder Michael Thompson (same owner of OBT Social) NOTE: If you need an Invite Code let me know and I will send you an invite. 2. Search for, New Awakening and Join. #NAFBP #NewAwakeningForBlackPeople
    Welcome to The Backroom
    A place where we can freely talk, share and tell our story as a people without outside interference.
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  • I've observed over the past decades that if a particular blackperson that's confronting racism on a public level of platforms and not even a member of the boule, the boule will try to pay you to tone down your fight against racism if you have a large connection to blackpeople, or try to trick you in making some type of deal to make you tone down.
    I've observed over the past decades that if a particular blackperson that's confronting racism on a public level of platforms and not even a member of the boule, the boule will try to pay you to tone down your fight against racism if you have a large connection to blackpeople, or try to trick you in making some type of deal to make you tone down.
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