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  • Beloved, you are encouraged to accept responsibility to avert liability
    The level at which you are serving God determines how much rewards He sends your way

    It’s not possible to be in God’s service and not be rewarded with one of His son or daughter to help you serve betterđŸ”„

    #marital #settlement #covenantsecrets #counsel #drpaulenenche
    Beloved, you are encouraged to accept responsibility to avert liability The level at which you are serving God determines how much rewards He sends your way It’s not possible to be in God’s service and not be rewarded with one of His son or daughter to help you serve betterđŸ”„ #marital #settlement #covenantsecrets #counsel #drpaulenenche
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 210 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • “This how ya’ do it. Pull your grandparents Marriage record to get their parents name, county, State. Then pull the census records it will list if they could read, write, what they owned, others in the house, neighbors who might be relatives. Search that county for their parents, pull their marital records. Usually they needed the permission of a white to marry. Check local publications at that time. Check TRAIL OF TEARS. See if they in there. U.S got Indians, ‘cuse me, Native Amers. Saying, ‘Well, if ya’ ain’t.. if you haven’t filed for Indian reparations, Membership to a tribe, namely Cherokee, well it’s to late now. We trying to close the rolls, cause the more come in the fewer coins we collect. Next thing, they’ll request a house on the Reservations. L’ We’ll, That’ll open up a can of worms. U.S had them write in they by-laws they, if ya’ marry a negroe then ya’ can’t have a house on the Reservation. And THAT’S ILLEGAL. Do they not receive FEDERAL FUNDING? U.S laws say you can’t discriminate AND receive FEDERAL FUNDS. But, doesn’t mean they hear ya’ case. As you can see…Lawd, Lawd. We sho’ is pitiful.”
    “This how ya’ do it. Pull your grandparents Marriage record to get their parents name, county, State. Then pull the census records it will list if they could read, write, what they owned, others in the house, neighbors who might be relatives. Search that county for their parents, pull their marital records. Usually they needed the permission of a white to marry. Check local publications at that time. Check TRAIL OF TEARS. See if they in there. U.S got Indians, ‘cuse me, Native Amers. Saying, ‘Well, if ya’ ain’t.. if you haven’t filed for Indian reparations, Membership to a tribe, namely Cherokee, well it’s to late now. We trying to close the rolls, cause the more come in the fewer coins we collect. Next thing, they’ll request a house on the Reservations. L’ We’ll, That’ll open up a can of worms. U.S had them write in they by-laws they, if ya’ marry a negroe then ya’ can’t have a house on the Reservation. And THAT’S ILLEGAL. Do they not receive FEDERAL FUNDING? U.S laws say you can’t discriminate AND receive FEDERAL FUNDS. But, doesn’t mean they hear ya’ case. As you can see…Lawd, Lawd. We sho’ is pitiful.”
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 335 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Buy old BOOKS! Horticulture, Plants, Herbs, Medicinal Meds, Slave meds, African meds, early meds, chemicals, Dictionary, Concordance, OLD BIBLES/HISTORICAL Documents, Stay on top of what happens in EVERY ASPECT of AFRICA, Cuban meds, Native American, check out film footage of what meat USE to look like,
    Burn on to DVD in case internet goes down or court systems bastardized further, even criminal/Detective/espionage/thrillers/dramas are based in FACT in part, Film Noir, Always check info overseas media. Genealogy! Pull your census records FOR FREE by emailing local/national archives or going to your local courthouse with your grandparents name and search marital records, obits, newspapers. Find out WHERE you’re from. May need to prove at first how deep your African ancestry goes. NO DNA companies unless based in a B.R.I.C.S nation, by all BLKPOC board. Check who ultimately owns company. U.S passes laws that gives them access through your DNA. They can track ya’ folk that way. Everything in triplicate. Store elsewhere. Print off your own health records. Decide what you can & cannot leave behind in case there’s an Air raid alert. Got a back-up plan? A way of communicating? Cash? Credit cards? Access the quickest way out. U.S is the target although whites have their eye on Africa.
    HAVE A BACK UP PLAN! You are to FLEE
    Buy old BOOKS! Horticulture, Plants, Herbs, Medicinal Meds, Slave meds, African meds, early meds, chemicals, Dictionary, Concordance, OLD BIBLES/HISTORICAL Documents, Stay on top of what happens in EVERY ASPECT of AFRICA, Cuban meds, Native American, check out film footage of what meat USE to look like, Burn on to DVD in case internet goes down or court systems bastardized further, even criminal/Detective/espionage/thrillers/dramas are based in FACT in part, Film Noir, Always check info overseas media. Genealogy! Pull your census records FOR FREE by emailing local/national archives or going to your local courthouse with your grandparents name and search marital records, obits, newspapers. Find out WHERE you’re from. May need to prove at first how deep your African ancestry goes. NO DNA companies unless based in a B.R.I.C.S nation, by all BLKPOC board. Check who ultimately owns company. U.S passes laws that gives them access through your DNA. They can track ya’ folk that way. Everything in triplicate. Store elsewhere. Print off your own health records. Decide what you can & cannot leave behind in case there’s an Air raid alert. Got a back-up plan? A way of communicating? Cash? Credit cards? Access the quickest way out. U.S is the target although whites have their eye on Africa. HAVE A BACK UP PLAN! You are to FLEE
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 3KB Ansichten 0 Vorschau