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    Bishop TD Jakes suffers medical emergency during sermon at Sunday service
    “During today’s service, Bishop T.D. Jakes experienced a slight health incident and received immediate medical attention following his powerful hour long message,” a statement rea???
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  • Queen Charlotte (1744-1818), wife of the English King George III (1738-1820), was directly descended from Margarita
    At least 492 lines of descent can be traced from Queen Charlotte through her triple ancestry from **Margarita de Castro y Sousa to Martin Alfonso de Sousa Chichorro**, the illegitimate son of King Alfonso of Portugal and his Moorish mistress, Oruana/Madragana.

    Queen Charlotte (1744-1818), wife of the English King George III (1738-1820), was directly descended from Margarita ….
    At least 492 lines of descent can be traced from Queen Charlotte through her triple ancestry from **Margarita de Castro y Sousa to Martin Alfonso de Sousa Chichorro**, the illegitimate son of King Alfonso of Portugal and his Moorish mistress, Oruana/Madragana.,Moorish%20mistress%2C%20Oruana%2FMadragana.

    Historian John H Plumb described her as "plain and undesirable". Even her physician, Baron Christian Friedrich Stockmar, reportedly described the elderly queen as "small and crooked, with a true mulatto face".
    Definition of MULATTO:
    from Oxford Languages ( more (
    1. a person of mixed white and BLACK ancestry ( a person with one white and one Black parent.
    Good thing you reached out . Now you have no excuse to be ignorant!
    Queen Charlotte (1744-1818), wife of the English King George III (1738-1820), was directly descended from Margarita At least 492 lines of descent can be traced from Queen Charlotte through her triple ancestry from **Margarita de Castro y Sousa to Martin Alfonso de Sousa Chichorro**, the illegitimate son of King Alfonso of Portugal and his Moorish mistress, Oruana/Madragana. Queen Charlotte (1744-1818), wife of the English King George III (1738-1820), was directly descended from Margarita …. At least 492 lines of descent can be traced from Queen Charlotte through her triple ancestry from **Margarita de Castro y Sousa to Martin Alfonso de Sousa Chichorro**, the illegitimate son of King Alfonso of Portugal and his Moorish mistress, Oruana/Madragana.,Moorish%20mistress%2C%20Oruana%2FMadragana. Historian John H Plumb described her as "plain and undesirable". Even her physician, Baron Christian Friedrich Stockmar, reportedly described the elderly queen as "small and crooked, with a true mulatto face". Definition of MULATTO: from Oxford Languages ( more ( mu·lat·to **OFFENSIVE•DATED** *noun* 1. a person of mixed white and BLACK ancestry ( a person with one white and one Black parent. Good thing you reached out . Now you have no excuse to be ignorant!
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  • › topicpages
    macrophage-activating factor gcmaf
    The vitamin D(3)-binding protein (Gc protein)-derived macrophage activating fact
    or (GcMAF) activates tumoricidal macrophages against a variety of cancers › topicpages macrophage-activating factor gcmaf ( The vitamin D(3)-binding protein (Gc protein)-derived macrophage activating fact or (GcMAF) activates tumoricidal macrophages against a variety of cancers
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  • The Guitarra morisca or Mandora medieval is a plucked string instrument. It is a lute that has a bulging belly and a sickle-shaped headstock. Part of that characterization comes from a c. 1330 poem, Libro de buen amor by Juan Ruiz, arcipestre de Hita, which described the "Moorish gittern" as "corpulent". The use of the adjective morisca tacked to guitarra may have been to differentiate it from the commonly seen Latin European variety, when the morisca was seen on a limited basis during the 14th century.

    Appeared[sic] in the early 9th century, it is an instrument mentioned in the Cantigas de Santa Maria, and by Johannes de Grocheio (towards 1300) who called it quitarra sarracénica. In the 14th century it is known by the term "guitarra morisca", coined by Arcipreste de Hita in Libro de buen amor. It is a hybrid instrument between the guitarra latina and medieval lute, usually played by fingers or plectrum.

    It has roots in the four-string Arabic oud, brought to Iberia by the Moors in the 8th century. The guitarra morisca is a direct ancestor of the modern guitar. By the 14th century, the guitarra morisca was simply referred to as a guitar.

    The guitarra morisca is an obscure instrument, known mainly from pictures. Early instrument expert Francis William Galpin mentioned the instrument in his book, Old English Instruments of Music (pages 21-22), calling it the "Guitare Moresca" or "Chittara Saraacenica", with its "long neck, oval shaped body and round back." He also felt it related to the Colascione.

    #blackhistorymonth #bhm #moor #moorish #amazigh #imazighen #maghreb #westafrica #africanhistory #alandalus #guitar #music #musichistory #guittaramorisca
    The Guitarra morisca or Mandora medieval is a plucked string instrument. It is a lute that has a bulging belly and a sickle-shaped headstock. Part of that characterization comes from a c. 1330 poem, Libro de buen amor by Juan Ruiz, arcipestre de Hita, which described the "Moorish gittern" as "corpulent". The use of the adjective morisca tacked to guitarra may have been to differentiate it from the commonly seen Latin European variety, when the morisca was seen on a limited basis during the 14th century. Appeared[sic] in the early 9th century, it is an instrument mentioned in the Cantigas de Santa Maria, and by Johannes de Grocheio (towards 1300) who called it quitarra sarracénica. In the 14th century it is known by the term "guitarra morisca", coined by Arcipreste de Hita in Libro de buen amor. It is a hybrid instrument between the guitarra latina and medieval lute, usually played by fingers or plectrum. It has roots in the four-string Arabic oud, brought to Iberia by the Moors in the 8th century. The guitarra morisca is a direct ancestor of the modern guitar. By the 14th century, the guitarra morisca was simply referred to as a guitar. The guitarra morisca is an obscure instrument, known mainly from pictures. Early instrument expert Francis William Galpin mentioned the instrument in his book, Old English Instruments of Music (pages 21-22), calling it the "Guitare Moresca" or "Chittara Saraacenica", with its "long neck, oval shaped body and round back." He also felt it related to the Colascione. #blackhistorymonth #bhm #moor #moorish #amazigh #imazighen #maghreb #westafrica #africanhistory #alandalus #guitar #music #musichistory #guittaramorisca
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  • My grands always visited their relatives on the Cherokee reservation who were treated like sh*+ like those dumps whites force them in today. That is a FEDERAL OFFENSE. No where in white folks laws does it say “If you were enslaved we won’t recognize you”. DISCRIMINATION & numerous white lawyers REFUSED to rep me because you hold each other up in your wrong.
    “how many Natives lived in North America before Columbus, estimates range from **3.8 million, as mentioned above, to 7 million people to a high of 18 million**Population history of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas - Wikipedia (,a%20high%20of%2018%20million.)… population hit bottom early in this century when census figures reported 490,000; by Dobyns's calcula- tion that means **between 9.8 million and 12.2 million** …Apr 5, 2009…
    How Many People Were Here Before Columbus? (
    How many Indians live in the USA 2023?
    Whites SLAUGHTERED THEM. Most BLKPOC I know have Indian ancestry. This is what it looks like to us: whites have one Fucn excuse after another. Africa/B.R.I.C.S is willing to respect us.
    WHAT’S your excuse now?And do you know why you don’t hear from them? One of the reasons is all the liquor whites drop off just like whites do to Aboriginals… just like Africa, Mexico, etc., You don’t think we notice you censor our free speech? I’ll go to the reservation and get authentic reactions and present it to the media and you good folks won’t run it, just like you won’t run the Relocation media Africa has sent to encourage relocation. Half of us are working to hold up imperialism, White Dominance, Colonialism.
    What say You?
    My grands always visited their relatives on the Cherokee reservation who were treated like sh*+ like those dumps whites force them in today. That is a FEDERAL OFFENSE. No where in white folks laws does it say “If you were enslaved we won’t recognize you”. DISCRIMINATION & numerous white lawyers REFUSED to rep me because you hold each other up in your wrong. “how many Natives lived in North America before Columbus, estimates range from **3.8 million, as mentioned above, to 7 million people to a high of 18 million**Population history of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas - Wikipedia (,a%20high%20of%2018%20million.)… population hit bottom early in this century when census figures reported 490,000; by Dobyns's calcula- tion that means **between 9.8 million and 12.2 million** …Apr 5, 2009… How Many People Were Here Before Columbus? ( How many Indians live in the USA 2023? 4,460,000 Whites SLAUGHTERED THEM. Most BLKPOC I know have Indian ancestry. This is what it looks like to us: whites have one Fucn excuse after another. Africa/B.R.I.C.S is willing to respect us. WHAT’S your excuse now?And do you know why you don’t hear from them? One of the reasons is all the liquor whites drop off just like whites do to Aboriginals… just like Africa, Mexico, etc., You don’t think we notice you censor our free speech? I’ll go to the reservation and get authentic reactions and present it to the media and you good folks won’t run it, just like you won’t run the Relocation media Africa has sent to encourage relocation. Half of us are working to hold up imperialism, White Dominance, Colonialism. What say You?
    Population history of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas
    Population figures for the Indigenous peoples of the Americas prior to European colonization have been difficult to establish. By the end of the 20th century, most scholars gravitated toward an estimate of around 50 million, with some historians arguing for an estimate of 100 million or more.In an effort to circumvent the hold which the Ottoman Empire held on the overland trade routes to East Asia and the hold that the Aeterni regis granted to Portugal on maritime routes via the African coast and the Indian Ocean, the monarchs of the nascent Spanish Empire decided to fund Columbus' voyage in 1492, which eventually led to the establishment of colonies and the migration of millions of Europeans to the Americas. The population of African and European peoples in the Americas grew steadily, starting in 1492, and at the same time, the Indigenous population began to plummet. Eurasian diseases such as influenza, pneumonic plagues, and smallpox, in combination...
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  • Trump famously asked Black voters what they had to lose by supporting him in 2016. A tumultuous four years in the White House provides answers.

    The president frequently touts a record-low Black unemployment rate, funding for historically Black colleges and universities, opportunity zones and criminal justice reform as evidence of what he’s done for African Americans.

    But the wins Trump claims come with a combination of caveats and skepticism, according to policy experts. They also ignore the ways his policies are furthering racial segregation, not to mention stoking racial divisions and violence.

    For example, Trump’s “Platinum Plan” for Black Americans is only two pages, a fraction of former Vice President Joe Biden’s “Lift Every Voice” plan. The president’s outline includes four pillars and several promises over the next four years, like safe urban neighborhoods with the highest policing standards (Black people live in rural and suburban areas, too).
    Trump famously asked Black voters what they had to lose by supporting him in 2016. A tumultuous four years in the White House provides answers. The president frequently touts a record-low Black unemployment rate, funding for historically Black colleges and universities, opportunity zones and criminal justice reform as evidence of what he’s done for African Americans. But the wins Trump claims come with a combination of caveats and skepticism, according to policy experts. They also ignore the ways his policies are furthering racial segregation, not to mention stoking racial divisions and violence. For example, Trump’s “Platinum Plan” for Black Americans is only two pages, a fraction of former Vice President Joe Biden’s “Lift Every Voice” plan. The president’s outline includes four pillars and several promises over the next four years, like safe urban neighborhoods with the highest policing standards (Black people live in rural and suburban areas, too).
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  • all adults arrested in 2019, 69.9 percent were White, 26.1 percent were Black or African American, and 4.0 percent were of other races. Of adult arrestees blacks in the general population; (2) racial disparities in arrests diminish when black and white arrest rates are compared with offender rates; (3) although ... 11, 2020 — Below is the black share of the population and arrests for local police agencies, and a comparison of arrest rates per 1,000 people. Black.. juveniles comprised 59.3 percent of all juveniles arrested for violent crimes…Offense charged
    Total Charges 2019
    White 6,816,975
    Black or
    American 4,729,290 all adults arrested in 2019, 69.9 percent were White, 26.1 percent were Black or African American, and 4.0 percent were of other races. Of adult arrestees blacks in the general population; (2) racial disparities in arrests diminish when black and white arrest rates are compared with offender rates; (3) although ... 11, 2020 — Below is the black share of the population and arrests for local police agencies, and a comparison of arrest rates per 1,000 people. Black.. juveniles comprised 59.3 percent of all juveniles arrested for violent crimes…Offense charged Total Charges 2019 White 6,816,975 Black or African American 4,729,290
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