• Dr. Asa Hilliard's Kemet Timeline shows many invasion dates of Kemet (a.k.a. ancient Egypt--Greek name) which is well documented. See the image below.

    This comes from Dr. Asa Hillard--The Master Keys to Study Ancient Kemet--YouTube

    There's another Kemet timeline that I found that also shows the dates of invasions in Kemet. I posted this further down this FB page along with additional info presented by a different source.


    * Egyptian period of HYKSOS rule (1638 B.C. - 1530 B.C.)
    * Egyptian period of KUSHITE rule (746 to 653 B.C.)
    * Egyptian period of ASSYRIAN rule (673 B.C. - 663 B.C.)
    * Egyptian period of PERSIAN rule (525 B.C. - 404 B.C.)
    * Egyptian period of GREEK rule (332 B.C. - 30 B.C.)
    * Egyptian period of ROMAN rule (30 B.C. - 627 A.D)
    * Egyptian period of ARAB rule (627 A.D. - 868 A.D.)

    However, there's a bit of controversy between the two timelines regarding some of the invasion dates in Kemet. I'm not sure who actually presented the timeline dates above but I am more aware and trustworthy of Dr. Hilliard's Timeline. Then again, there could be new data that came out that I don't know about.

    You can watch the video above as Dr. Hilliard teaches us about Kemet and his timeline as demonstrated in the video above.

    Dr. Asa Hilliard's Kemet Timeline shows many invasion dates of Kemet (a.k.a. ancient Egypt--Greek name) which is well documented. See the image below. This comes from Dr. Asa Hillard--The Master Keys to Study Ancient Kemet--YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xkjsq4u-LY There's another Kemet timeline that I found that also shows the dates of invasions in Kemet. I posted this further down this FB page along with additional info presented by a different source. Timeline: * Egyptian period of HYKSOS rule (1638 B.C. - 1530 B.C.) * Egyptian period of KUSHITE rule (746 to 653 B.C.) * Egyptian period of ASSYRIAN rule (673 B.C. - 663 B.C.) * Egyptian period of PERSIAN rule (525 B.C. - 404 B.C.) * Egyptian period of GREEK rule (332 B.C. - 30 B.C.) * Egyptian period of ROMAN rule (30 B.C. - 627 A.D) * Egyptian period of ARAB rule (627 A.D. - 868 A.D.) However, there's a bit of controversy between the two timelines regarding some of the invasion dates in Kemet. I'm not sure who actually presented the timeline dates above but I am more aware and trustworthy of Dr. Hilliard's Timeline. Then again, there could be new data that came out that I don't know about. You can watch the video above as Dr. Hilliard teaches us about Kemet and his timeline as demonstrated in the video above. #Kemet #AncientEgypt #Invasions #Afrika #Hyksos #Persians #Greeks #Romans #Arabs #EuropeanSlavery #Kushites #Assyrians
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 747 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • Image credit to Why I write Afrika with a K – Tutaleni I. Asino

    I politely posted a statement to correct someone's use of the term "African Race" which is no such thing. I referred to Afrikan Kingdoms, Afrikan Tribes, Afrikan Ancestry.

    More and more black people worldwide are beginning to educate themselves in Black History/Ancient Afrikan history so I must never forget each individual is on a different level.

    I received a comment from a Black brother after addressing and correcting the use of "African Race".

    Here's what the commenter told me...

    "afrikan ancestor what nonsense is afrikan?? Who is afrikan. Does the word afrikan make sense."

    Again, knowing each individual is on a different level, I was compelled to address this brother on his level.

    'The proof is in the pudding'

    If anyone is wondering the same thing, why some of us spell Africa with a 'k' (hence: Afrika or Afrikan), read the following article. You too may end up using 'k' instead of 'c' whereas the latter is what white Europeans used when changing Afrika and Afrikan to Africa and African.

    We must do our best to break free from Western/European mental slavery and brainwashing. Remember, white Europeans including Arabs changed some of our Black/Afrikan languages/spellings during their invasions and colonization of Afrika including other lands such as the Americas and Caribbeans where indigenous Blacks migrated from Afrika long before other human species.

    Learn why you should spell Africa and African with a 'k' as in Afrika and Afrikan.

    Four Reasons for Using 'K' in Afrika

    Image credit to Why I write Afrika with a K – Tutaleni I. Asino I politely posted a statement to correct someone's use of the term "African Race" which is no such thing. I referred to Afrikan Kingdoms, Afrikan Tribes, Afrikan Ancestry. More and more black people worldwide are beginning to educate themselves in Black History/Ancient Afrikan history so I must never forget each individual is on a different level. I received a comment from a Black brother after addressing and correcting the use of "African Race". Here's what the commenter told me... "afrikan ancestor what nonsense is afrikan?? Who is afrikan. Does the word afrikan make sense." Again, knowing each individual is on a different level, I was compelled to address this brother on his level. 'The proof is in the pudding' If anyone is wondering the same thing, why some of us spell Africa with a 'k' (hence: Afrika or Afrikan), read the following article. You too may end up using 'k' instead of 'c' whereas the latter is what white Europeans used when changing Afrika and Afrikan to Africa and African. We must do our best to break free from Western/European mental slavery and brainwashing. Remember, white Europeans including Arabs changed some of our Black/Afrikan languages/spellings during their invasions and colonization of Afrika including other lands such as the Americas and Caribbeans where indigenous Blacks migrated from Afrika long before other human species. Learn why you should spell Africa and African with a 'k' as in Afrika and Afrikan. Four Reasons for Using 'K' in Afrika https://soh.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/692 #Africa #African #Afrika #Afrikan #Westerns #Europeans #Spellings #Names
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 581 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • Slave ships called Good Ship Jesus and Amazing Grace. Could there be other slave ships with religious names and terms?

    A lot more information is unfolding as more people continue to do extensive scientific research--not just slave ships.

    Europe has a huge database of slavery information that needs to be released to the public.

    What is in the Vatican vault in Rome?

    We need more scientific researchers to find more info on Roman history whereas a lot of new data have been revealed already including the bible that has been decoded. There's a lot more untold history (facts) on Christianity and the West/North invasions of Afrika.

    All the questions need to be answered... Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why without any bias, hidden agenda, or evil intent.

    A Slave Ship Called Jesus | The Hidden Role Of The Church In Slavery
    Slave ships called Good Ship Jesus and Amazing Grace. Could there be other slave ships with religious names and terms? A lot more information is unfolding as more people continue to do extensive scientific research--not just slave ships. Europe has a huge database of slavery information that needs to be released to the public. What is in the Vatican vault in Rome? We need more scientific researchers to find more info on Roman history whereas a lot of new data have been revealed already including the bible that has been decoded. There's a lot more untold history (facts) on Christianity and the West/North invasions of Afrika. All the questions need to be answered... Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why without any bias, hidden agenda, or evil intent. A Slave Ship Called Jesus | The Hidden Role Of The Church In Slavery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2rtomj2POg
    4 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 507 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • The Dow Jones BRIC 50 Index is a market capitalization-weighted stock index composed of 50 of the most liquid and largest companies operating in the BRIC nations (excluding Russia after its invasion of Ukraine). BRIC stands for the emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, India, and China.
    https://www.investopedia.com › d...
    Dow Jones BRIC 50 Index Definition - Investopedia
    The Dow Jones BRIC 50 Index is a market capitalization-weighted stock index composed of 50 of the most liquid and largest companies operating in the BRIC nations (excluding Russia after its invasion of Ukraine). BRIC stands for the emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, India, and China. https://www.investopedia.com › d... Dow Jones BRIC 50 Index Definition - Investopedia
    Investopedia is the world's leading source of financial content on the web, ranging from market news to retirement strategies, investing education to insights from advisors.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 211 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • https://arkeonews.net/a-3300-year-old-tablet-found-at-buklukale-from-hittite-empire-describes-catastrophic-invasion-of-four-cities/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 487 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • Most of our Black brothers and sisters are unaware that Black people (Afrikan) ruled Europe before white Europeans came and battled against them. There were Black aristocrats, royals, and Black Moors that went into Spain and civilized it.

    There were Black Romans, Black Greeks, and Black Asians before the white European invasions.

    Fact: Afrikans were the first to create and build civilizations.

    Complete Falsehood: White Europeans created/built civilization.

    And more white lies continue even today that are taught in white European schools, their history books, their media, etc.

    Truth is not all hidden and what was hard to find is being revealed now about Black people that whites continue to fear.

    You must not continue listening to those history and discovery channels. They are Europeanized and rigged--never telling Black people the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    Watch this video, learn the facts, and find out why white Europeans tried to destroy and remove all Black paintings, busts, books, literature, and history about Blacks ruling European lands.

    ELIZABETH SUPPRESSED, Primary accounts of Black Nobility in Europe
    Most of our Black brothers and sisters are unaware that Black people (Afrikan) ruled Europe before white Europeans came and battled against them. There were Black aristocrats, royals, and Black Moors that went into Spain and civilized it. There were Black Romans, Black Greeks, and Black Asians before the white European invasions. Fact: Afrikans were the first to create and build civilizations. Complete Falsehood: White Europeans created/built civilization. And more white lies continue even today that are taught in white European schools, their history books, their media, etc. Truth is not all hidden and what was hard to find is being revealed now about Black people that whites continue to fear. You must not continue listening to those history and discovery channels. They are Europeanized and rigged--never telling Black people the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Watch this video, learn the facts, and find out why white Europeans tried to destroy and remove all Black paintings, busts, books, literature, and history about Blacks ruling European lands. ELIZABETH SUPPRESSED, Primary accounts of Black Nobility in Europe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KGAXEV0VcM #BlackEuropeans #Aboriginals #BlackRoyals #BlackAristocrats #Civilization #Moors #Afrikans #Blacks #Europe
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 8674 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • The young Prince Taharqa of Kush, fated to become king of an empire that spreads from his homeland in Sudanese Nubia all the way down to the Nile Delta, leads an invasion of southern Spain circa 700 BC. This is of course another alternate history scenario, but the inspiration came from a handful of apocryphal accounts from historians such as Strabo and Ahmed ibn Mohammed al-Makhari that report that he ventured to the “pillars of Heracles” (the Gibraltar Strait between Spain and Morocco) and led an expedition into Spain. Archaeological evidence of such Kushite forays remains undiscovered, but considering that the Phoenicians from Lebanon had already established trading posts on the Spanish coast as far afield as modern Cadiz by that time, an army from the Nile Valley making it there is not totally impossible. Who knows, maybe Taharqa and his soldiers here are defending one of the Phoenician settlements from hostile local tribes?
    The young Prince Taharqa of Kush, fated to become king of an empire that spreads from his homeland in Sudanese Nubia all the way down to the Nile Delta, leads an invasion of southern Spain circa 700 BC. This is of course another alternate history scenario, but the inspiration came from a handful of apocryphal accounts from historians such as Strabo and Ahmed ibn Mohammed al-Makhari that report that he ventured to the “pillars of Heracles” (the Gibraltar Strait between Spain and Morocco) and led an expedition into Spain. Archaeological evidence of such Kushite forays remains undiscovered, but considering that the Phoenicians from Lebanon had already established trading posts on the Spanish coast as far afield as modern Cadiz by that time, an army from the Nile Valley making it there is not totally impossible. Who knows, maybe Taharqa and his soldiers here are defending one of the Phoenician settlements from hostile local tribes?
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3790 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • Why did Russia invade the Ukraine?
    How did Putin justify the full invasion? Putin and his allies accused Ukraine's government of “genocide” against ethnic Russians and native Russian speakers in the Donbas, an unfounded allegation wholly rejected by Ukraine as well as the US and EU states.1 day ago
    https://www.bloomberg.com › articles
    Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine? Understanding the Roots of the War
    Why did Russia invade the Ukraine? How did Putin justify the full invasion? Putin and his allies accused Ukraine's government of “genocide” against ethnic Russians and native Russian speakers in the Donbas, an unfounded allegation wholly rejected by Ukraine as well as the US and EU states.1 day ago https://www.bloomberg.com › articles Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine? Understanding the Roots of the War
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1099 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • White folk: Was the European influence on Africa positive?:
    Sounds very ‘A.I’-ish. If there had been any good in the invasion of marauders then there would be no need in the extracation of the invaders TODAY. Your version is tantamount to a Harlequin Romance. Can't COUNT how many lives have been set on fire, hung from the rectum until their demise, S.A of small ones, public torture since Leopold who was worse than the guy who walked them folk into the ‘Easy Bake Ovens’. Uh, if you count being introduced to a fork & plate, then that's 2 good things. Research : NEGROLAND map + Library of Congress. Shows the Sehel Region, land of the Jews. For starters…
    White folk: Was the European influence on Africa positive?: Sounds very ‘A.I’-ish. If there had been any good in the invasion of marauders then there would be no need in the extracation of the invaders TODAY. Your version is tantamount to a Harlequin Romance. Can't COUNT how many lives have been set on fire, hung from the rectum until their demise, S.A of small ones, public torture since Leopold who was worse than the guy who walked them folk into the ‘Easy Bake Ovens’. Uh, if you count being introduced to a fork & plate, then that's 2 good things. Research : NEGROLAND map + Library of Congress. Shows the Sehel Region, land of the Jews. For starters…
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 391 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • Russian TV Predicts How World Map Will Look

    By Brendan Cole,
    3 days ago
    Kremlin propagandist Vladimir Solovyov has predicted a future in which the U.S. and Europe will look very different from today.

    Vladimir Putin has often spoken about a new world order pivoting away from the West. His ally and champion, Solovyov, has taken up this theme and given his own vision of the world in a clip shared by journalist and Russia watcher Julia Davis, which has since gone viral.

    Solovyov has repeatedly described Putin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine as a proxy war between Moscow and the West. On his programs, he and guests have described
    Russian TV Predicts How World Map Will Look By Brendan Cole, 3 days ago Kremlin propagandist Vladimir Solovyov has predicted a future in which the U.S. and Europe will look very different from today. Vladimir Putin has often spoken about a new world order pivoting away from the West. His ally and champion, Solovyov, has taken up this theme and given his own vision of the world in a clip shared by journalist and Russia watcher Julia Davis, which has since gone viral. Solovyov has repeatedly described Putin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine as a proxy war between Moscow and the West. On his programs, he and guests have described
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1048 Visualizações 0 Anterior
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