What is lion's tail herb used for?
… seeds, leaves or stems are widely used to treat tuberculosis, jaundice, muscle cramps, high blood pressure, diabetes, viral hepatitis, dysentery, and diarrheaNov 25, 2020
https://ceventura.ucanr.edu › ...
The Lion's Tail: The 'Mane' Event - UCCE Ventura County
The leaves and flowers are traditionally smoked or chewed on ceremonial occasions, to induce trance-like states along with drumming and dancing.
https://www.happyherbcompany.com › ...
Lion's Tail, Leonotus leonurus - Happy Herb
What is lion's tail herb used for?
… seeds, leaves or stems are widely used to treat tuberculosis, jaundice, muscle cramps, high blood pressure, diabetes, viral hepatitis, dysentery, and diarrheaNov 25, 2020
https://ceventura.ucanr.edu › ...
The Lion's Tail: The 'Mane' Event - UCCE Ventura County
The leaves and flowers are traditionally smoked or chewed on ceremonial occasions, to induce trance-like states along with drumming and dancing.
https://www.happyherbcompany.com › ...
Lion's Tail, Leonotus leonurus - Happy Herb