• "Black People are the Smartest Humans" - Neil Tyson (+ why it's a BAD thing)

    It has been documented that Afrikans possess the highest genetic diversity that can produce all skin, eye, and hair colors, including features, sizes, and the ability to produce more geniuses than other human species.

    But because of how Afrikans have been always portrayed by other human species in the worst negative way (negativity bias), and by design, the world sees Afrikans with a negative, racist, prejudiced eye.

    Some say China has the largest population. I beg to differ. Afrika has the largest population because it has a large number of Afrikan tribes living with populations not documented--living off-grid.

    But putting that aside, even if Afrika doesn't have the largest population now, it will become the #1 largest in some years to come that was scientifically and mathematically documented.

    Afrika can become a world power even if those with an agenda make sure it never becomes one. Africans need to start by uniting the 54 countries into one government with many branches of government for each one of the 54 states.

    Are Afrikans something to be feared? Absolutely not!

    Throughout history... It was never Afrikans ambition to conquer and rule the world, commit genocide, and enslave other human species as feared. It's the fear factor that leads others to keep Afrikans down in every possible way knowing that Afrika feeds the world and their pockets.

    Afikans had access to gun power (black powder) long before white Europeans but never used it as a weapon of mass destruction, to conquer and destroy. Afrika is not a worldwide threat but only to those with a sick, greedy, and prejudiced mind does Afrika and Afrikans become a global threat.

    "Black People are the Smartest Humans" - Neil Tyson (+ why it's a BAD thing) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVF-coeV_xE It has been documented that Afrikans possess the highest genetic diversity that can produce all skin, eye, and hair colors, including features, sizes, and the ability to produce more geniuses than other human species. But because of how Afrikans have been always portrayed by other human species in the worst negative way (negativity bias), and by design, the world sees Afrikans with a negative, racist, prejudiced eye. Some say China has the largest population. I beg to differ. Afrika has the largest population because it has a large number of Afrikan tribes living with populations not documented--living off-grid. But putting that aside, even if Afrika doesn't have the largest population now, it will become the #1 largest in some years to come that was scientifically and mathematically documented. Afrika can become a world power even if those with an agenda make sure it never becomes one. Africans need to start by uniting the 54 countries into one government with many branches of government for each one of the 54 states. Are Afrikans something to be feared? Absolutely not! Throughout history... It was never Afrikans ambition to conquer and rule the world, commit genocide, and enslave other human species as feared. It's the fear factor that leads others to keep Afrikans down in every possible way knowing that Afrika feeds the world and their pockets. Afikans had access to gun power (black powder) long before white Europeans but never used it as a weapon of mass destruction, to conquer and destroy. Afrika is not a worldwide threat but only to those with a sick, greedy, and prejudiced mind does Afrika and Afrikans become a global threat. #Afrikans #africa #BlackPeople #GeneticDiversity #negativitybias #Racism #Prejudice
    1 Kommentare 1 Anteile 668 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • So you guys know that they stripped Ms. Chiles of her medal. Ironically, or not so ironically, it happens after this infamous photo of two Black women bowing to another, which got millions of views and gave significant pride and joy to many Black folks seeing Black Women celebrating, not competing with, one another, that they make this decision to reverse themselves from an error they still own but have the audacity to blame the reversal on some 4-second rule. Give me a break!

    Also don't lose sight of the fact that we had white woman, Mykayla Skinner, weaponizing her tears against her former teammates when she publicly criticized that her teammates were lazy, undisciplined, or not focused, despite their winning gold medals WITHOUT her!

    Don't get it twisted, this action of taking back the medal is a repeat of the backlash in 1968 received by Tommy Smith and John Carlos, when the Olympic officials and the United States could not stand their display of Black pride and activism they demonstrated for the world to see. Did you miss the similarity? Don't be fooled. Racism is as strong today as it was in the '60s..
    So you guys know that they stripped Ms. Chiles of her medal. Ironically, or not so ironically, it happens after this infamous photo of two Black women bowing to another, which got millions of views and gave significant pride and joy to many Black folks seeing Black Women celebrating, not competing with, one another, that they make this decision to reverse themselves from an error they still own but have the audacity to blame the reversal on some 4-second rule. Give me a break! Also don't lose sight of the fact that we had white woman, Mykayla Skinner, weaponizing her tears against her former teammates when she publicly criticized that her teammates were lazy, undisciplined, or not focused, despite their winning gold medals WITHOUT her! Don't get it twisted, this action of taking back the medal is a repeat of the backlash in 1968 received by Tommy Smith and John Carlos, when the Olympic officials and the United States could not stand their display of Black pride and activism they demonstrated for the world to see. Did you miss the similarity? Don't be fooled. Racism is as strong today as it was in the '60s..
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 417 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • @GavinNewsom @VP @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @BarackObama @cnn @FoxNews

    Shame on Gavin Newsom & Democrats, POTUS & Kamala Harris.

    Gov Newsom plans 2 go after homeless in CA, while continuing to ignore AHEC Rain Maker Wildfire Drones Solution. https://youtu.be/y2L_8I2hJo0

    AHEC https://www.ahecEnerg.com is an example of American Racism in Government. They would rather let people die from wildfire that support Charles E. Campbell, a Black Innovator, Inventor and Entrepreneur.
    @GavinNewsom @VP @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @BarackObama @cnn @FoxNews #ParkFire Shame on Gavin Newsom & Democrats, POTUS & Kamala Harris. Gov Newsom plans 2 go after homeless in CA, while continuing to ignore AHEC Rain Maker Wildfire Drones Solution. https://youtu.be/y2L_8I2hJo0 AHEC https://www.ahecEnerg.com is an example of American Racism in Government. They would rather let people die from wildfire that support Charles E. Campbell, a Black Innovator, Inventor and Entrepreneur.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 412 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Starting more racism against:https://youtu.be/Fk-aS9VdoDM?si=mK1E7wDmbYF62gi9
    Starting more racism against:https://youtu.be/Fk-aS9VdoDM?si=mK1E7wDmbYF62gi9
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 161 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • Between tv & books? I've spent 95% of that time reading, historical context as well. Nobody around here seems to notice when the gov changes things. That's why there's so much confusion. It was said The devil would do this at this time.
    : the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another

    This is the version that has recently been sold to whites:

    And how did white ppl do this? They put $ on it so they can continue fucking the BLK/Brown:

    Merriam-Webster Revises 'Racism' Entry After Missouri ...
    Nov 3, 2021 — The first defines racism as “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that...
    The New York Times
    https://www.nytimes.com › merria...
    Merriam-Webster Revises 'Racism' Entry After Missouri ...
    Nov 3, 2021 — The first defines racism as “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial
    Between tv & books? I've spent 95% of that time reading, historical context as well. Nobody around here seems to notice when the gov changes things. That's why there's so much confusion. It was said The devil would do this at this time. DEFINITION OF RACISM: a : the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another This is the version that has recently been sold to whites: https://www.vox.com/identities/2020/6/10/21286656/merriam-webster-racism-definition And how did white ppl do this? They put $ on it so they can continue fucking the BLK/Brown: Merriam-Webster Revises 'Racism' Entry After Missouri ... Nov 3, 2021 — The first defines racism as “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that... The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com › merria... Merriam-Webster Revises 'Racism' Entry After Missouri ... Nov 3, 2021 — The first defines racism as “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial
    Merriam-Webster has a new definition of “racism”
    The revised definition will include systemic oppression.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 490 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • https://www.vox.com/identities/2020/6/10/21286656/merriam-webster-racism-definition
    Merriam-Webster has a new definition of “racism”
    The revised definition will include systemic oppression.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 180 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • He runs white countries but he and other inter-breeders created USD. They could stop racism but you see why not. Genealogy says his fam didn't exist pre-1700... and yet had the knowledge of Uranium and where the resources were in Africa, etc., ...interesting. He really can erase you. https://www.youtube.com/live/FnoMMymbzrk?si=QJmNf0lv4KNMeMgL
    He runs white countries but he and other inter-breeders created USD. They could stop racism but you see why not. Genealogy says his fam didn't exist pre-1700... and yet had the knowledge of Uranium and where the resources were in Africa, etc., ...interesting. He really can erase you. https://www.youtube.com/live/FnoMMymbzrk?si=QJmNf0lv4KNMeMgL
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 390 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • See how whites had us think that the KINGS OF THE EAST would destroy the world....and they will by fighting the devil. The Gentiles. They are stopping racism by killing the weaponized $. The Drying up of the Euphrates has started the whites killing for the gold city beneath it. Read the Sumerians, the ETHIOPIAN BIBLE. The Angels are pouring their bowls now....
    See how whites had us think that the KINGS OF THE EAST would destroy the world....and they will by fighting the devil. The Gentiles. They are stopping racism by killing the weaponized $. The Drying up of the Euphrates has started the whites killing for the gold city beneath it. Read the Sumerians, the ETHIOPIAN BIBLE. The Angels are pouring their bowls now....
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 476 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • You still haven't read the Ethiopian Bible under what circumstances can you expect him to keep you in a glass house, with organic food/water, safety magically appearing when the USD drops in Jan. 2025. He told you he was gonna tear Babylon up and the U.S is the biggest leading whore. You don't even have a plan. Maybe God means for you to perish with the Gentiles. Depending on how u we're leaving your life down here, how your heart was, mind set was. First thing whites gonna do is start shootin' as they wipe out the shelves with your reparations $ they never gave you. They militias may come to your house. The police will be a form of a militia. How did you think the end-times were gonna happen? You weren't even been studying that piece of Bible they gave u...all the time Worried about your hair...ya' car...gettin' through college knowing racism would hold u back, gettin' sex, going in to debt...and you're about to miss the rapture. God said as a sign it's on and poppin'....he would be Drying up the Euraprates River...represents many things but that piece of Bible u got & your 5013c biz you call church never prepared u for the end-times. Never. https://youtu.be/9BLFT5w9-nc?si=HfVNAVccT49lgBHm
    You still haven't read the Ethiopian Bible under what circumstances can you expect him to keep you in a glass house, with organic food/water, safety magically appearing when the USD drops in Jan. 2025. He told you he was gonna tear Babylon up and the U.S is the biggest leading whore. You don't even have a plan. Maybe God means for you to perish with the Gentiles. Depending on how u we're leaving your life down here, how your heart was, mind set was. First thing whites gonna do is start shootin' as they wipe out the shelves with your reparations $ they never gave you. They militias may come to your house. The police will be a form of a militia. How did you think the end-times were gonna happen? You weren't even been studying that piece of Bible they gave u...all the time Worried about your hair...ya' car...gettin' through college knowing racism would hold u back, gettin' sex, going in to debt...and you're about to miss the rapture. God said as a sign it's on and poppin'....he would be Drying up the Euraprates River...represents many things but that piece of Bible u got & your 5013c biz you call church never prepared u for the end-times. Never. https://youtu.be/9BLFT5w9-nc?si=HfVNAVccT49lgBHm
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 739 Ansichten 0 Vorschau
  • They bring their racism, weak azzs, no matter where they roam.....NOTE TO SELF TO MAIL "How to start successful 'Social ' groups, Good 'ole boys..hanging...privately..../MS13/CRIPS/BLOODS, uh, you know...Brothahood, 'Social' clubs, group, you know for the guys to just chill privately
    They bring their racism, weak azzs, no matter where they roam.....NOTE TO SELF TO MAIL "How to start successful 'Social ' groups, Good 'ole boys..hanging...privately..../MS13/CRIPS/BLOODS, uh, you know...Brothahood, 'Social' clubs, group, you know for the guys to just chill privately https://www.youtube.com/live/7RQRCEzK73U?si=bi9TeXik5Dwfiicy
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 350 Ansichten 0 Vorschau