• I would just like to chat with someone. Pick a topic other than politics and religion.
    I would just like to chat with someone. Pick a topic other than politics and religion.
    1 التعليقات 1 المشاركات 845 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • Apocrypha. $20 on EBay. The real names of the Biblical characters, like who was Gilgamesh, Enki,etc., The first thing Amerikkka will give you in their ALTERNATE REALITY view is the Hebrew version when they jacked the culture of the black ppl before them, the Sumerian:What is Noah's name in Sumerian?
    Ziusudra, in Mesopotamian Religion, rough counterpart to the biblical Noah as survivor of a god-sent flood. When the gods had decided to destroy humanity with a flood, the god Enki (Akkadian Ea), who did not agree with the decree, revealed it to Ziusudra, a man well known for his humility and obedience.May 24, 2024
    https://www.britannica.com › topic
    Ziusudra | Noah, Flood & Sumerian - Britannica
    Apocrypha. $20 on EBay. The real names of the Biblical characters, like who was Gilgamesh, Enki,etc., The first thing Amerikkka will give you in their ALTERNATE REALITY view is the Hebrew version when they jacked the culture of the black ppl before them, the Sumerian:What is Noah's name in Sumerian? Ziusudra Ziusudra, in Mesopotamian Religion, rough counterpart to the biblical Noah as survivor of a god-sent flood. When the gods had decided to destroy humanity with a flood, the god Enki (Akkadian Ea), who did not agree with the decree, revealed it to Ziusudra, a man well known for his humility and obedience.May 24, 2024 https://www.britannica.com › topic Ziusudra | Noah, Flood & Sumerian - Britannica
    Encyclopedia Britannica
    Explore the fact-checked online encyclopedia from Encyclopaedia Britannica with hundreds of thousands of objective articles, biographies, videos, and images from experts.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 414 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • Hmmmm…. Ziusudra, in Mesopotamian Religion, rough counterpart to the biblical Noah as survivor of a god-sent flood. When the gods had decided to destroy humanity with a flood, the god Enki (Akkadian Ea), who did not agree with the decree, revealed it to Ziusudra, a man well known for his humility and obedience. Ziusudra did as Enki commanded him and built a huge boat, in which he successfully rode out the flood. Afterward, he prostrated himself before the gods An (Anu) and Enlil (Bel), and, as a reward for living a godly life, Ziusudra was given immortality. See Utnapishtim.
    Hmmmm…. Ziusudra, in Mesopotamian Religion, rough counterpart to the biblical Noah as survivor of a god-sent flood. When the gods had decided to destroy humanity with a flood, the god Enki (Akkadian Ea), who did not agree with the decree, revealed it to Ziusudra, a man well known for his humility and obedience. Ziusudra did as Enki commanded him and built a huge boat, in which he successfully rode out the flood. Afterward, he prostrated himself before the gods An (Anu) and Enlil (Bel), and, as a reward for living a godly life, Ziusudra was given immortality. See Utnapishtim.
    3 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1052 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • Prior to The Ethiopian Bible there were the Sumerian Tablets. The Ethiopian Bible is which all white/western religions are based . After the Ethiopian Bible the oldest is The Geneva Bible which was edited cause it tells you exactly who the problem is: 1599 Geneva Bible
    12 [a]For we wrestle not against flesh and [b]blood, but against [c]principalities, against POWERS, and against the WORLDLY GOVERNORS, the PRINCES of the DARKNESS of this WORLD, against SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS, which are in the HIGH places.
    Prior to The Ethiopian Bible there were the Sumerian Tablets. The Ethiopian Bible is which all white/western religions are based . After the Ethiopian Bible the oldest is The Geneva Bible which was edited cause it tells you exactly who the problem is: 1599 Geneva Bible 12 [a]For we wrestle not against flesh and [b]blood, but against [c]principalities, against POWERS, and against the WORLDLY GOVERNORS, the PRINCES of the DARKNESS of this WORLD, against SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS, which are in the HIGH places.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 499 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • The West has a “Romans 1 passage, someone with a REPROBATE MIND will willingly and knowingly engage in things they know they ought not to do. The list in the passage includes the following: being filled with every kind of wickedness, including greed, envy, murder, deceit, gossip, hatred of God, arrogance, etc aka The U.S. They just plan to ‘Eat, Drink & be merry for (literally) tomorrow we die.’

    U.S was the only one yelling ‘TAKE GOD OUT OF THE EQUATION! TAKE GOD OUTTA SCHOOLS!” That’s when whites got fearful again when it was packaged as ‘ They'll put their religion/God in your white kids heads! indoctrination!!!!’ Odd thing is, their kids don’t even think about God from what we see. That country was allegedly built on faith in the God/Jesus they created in the 1600s. How do we know this?:

    Meet The Man Responsible For The Letter "J" - Dictionary.com
    From its humble beginnings as a Roman numeral to its eventual tenth position in the English alphabet, J has had quite a linguistic journey. When was J added to the alphabet? J is a bit of a late bloomer; after all, it was the last letter added to the alphabet. It is no coincidence that I and J stand side by side—they actually started out as the same …
    Apr 8, 2011 — It wasn't until ***1524 ***when Gian Giorgio Trissino, an Italian Renaissance grammarian known as the father of the letter J, made a clear distinction…
    The West has a “Romans 1 passage, someone with a REPROBATE MIND will willingly and knowingly engage in things they know they ought not to do. The list in the passage includes the following: being filled with every kind of wickedness, including greed, envy, murder, deceit, gossip, hatred of God, arrogance, etc aka The U.S. They just plan to ‘Eat, Drink & be merry for (literally) tomorrow we die.’ U.S was the only one yelling ‘TAKE GOD OUT OF THE EQUATION! TAKE GOD OUTTA SCHOOLS!” That’s when whites got fearful again when it was packaged as ‘ They'll put their religion/God in your white kids heads! indoctrination!!!!’ Odd thing is, their kids don’t even think about God from what we see. That country was allegedly built on faith in the God/Jesus they created in the 1600s. How do we know this?: Meet The Man Responsible For The Letter "J" - Dictionary.com From its humble beginnings as a Roman numeral to its eventual tenth position in the English alphabet, J has had quite a linguistic journey. When was J added to the alphabet? J is a bit of a late bloomer; after all, it was the last letter added to the alphabet. It is no coincidence that I and J stand side by side—they actually started out as the same … https://www.dictionary.com/e/j/ Apr 8, 2011 — It wasn't until ***1524 ***when Gian Giorgio Trissino, an Italian Renaissance grammarian known as the father of the letter J, made a clear distinction…
    Meet The Man Responsible For The Letter "J" - Dictionary.com
    From its humble beginnings as a Roman numeral to its eventual tenth position in the English alphabet, J has had quite a linguistic journey. When was J added to the alphabet? J is a bit of a late bloomer; after all, it was the last letter added to the alphabet. It is no coincidence that I and J stand side by side—they actually started out as the same …
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 2018 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • What is Nationality?

    Defined by Dr. Clyde Winters...

    "We can define Nationality as the legal bond that ties a person to a state. It confers on this person a legal status as determined by national laws, such as those regulating the rights of persons and property. Given the definition, unless blacks are not specifically identified as a population, this term can not be applied to so-called Black Americans and/or American descendants of slaves (ADOS)."

    What is Nationalist?

    Nationality vs Nationalism

    "Nationalism arises out of nationality. It adds something to nationality. It adds emulative, combative, aggressive, bellicose elements to nationality. Hatred is not necessarily part of nationality; it frequently is so in nationalism."
    Nation, Nationality, Nationalism and Civil Society
    Wiley Online Library
    https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › pdf

    "Basically, if a group of people has a shared sense of nationalism, they form a “nation.” The idea of nationalism believes that once a group has defined itself as a nation they have a “natural right” to territory necessary to live in and govern in."
    Nations, States, and Nation-States | Aggies GO | USU

    I would say any Black person, knowingly or unknowingly, declaring him/herself part of a country such as I'm an American, tribe such as I'm Igbo, or a group of people such as I'm multiracial or Christian (any religion) before his/her ancestry which is Afrikan is a Nationalist.

    This doesn't just apply to Black people. It applies to any human species who is a nationalist.

    As the saying goes... Together we stand, divided we fall... whereby white Europeans saw our divisiveness (making enemies and warring against ourselves) as a weakness. White Europeans war against other white Europeans. The only difference is all of them will come together when time to destroy/enslave us. (hence: Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Colonization of Afrika).

    What is Nationality? Defined by Dr. Clyde Winters... "We can define Nationality as the legal bond that ties a person to a state. It confers on this person a legal status as determined by national laws, such as those regulating the rights of persons and property. Given the definition, unless blacks are not specifically identified as a population, this term can not be applied to so-called Black Americans and/or American descendants of slaves (ADOS)." ------- What is Nationalist? Nationality vs Nationalism "Nationalism arises out of nationality. It adds something to nationality. It adds emulative, combative, aggressive, bellicose elements to nationality. Hatred is not necessarily part of nationality; it frequently is so in nationalism." ------ Nation, Nationality, Nationalism and Civil Society Wiley Online Library https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › pdf "Basically, if a group of people has a shared sense of nationalism, they form a “nation.” The idea of nationalism believes that once a group has defined itself as a nation they have a “natural right” to territory necessary to live in and govern in." ------- Nations, States, and Nation-States | Aggies GO | USU usu.edu I would say any Black person, knowingly or unknowingly, declaring him/herself part of a country such as I'm an American, tribe such as I'm Igbo, or a group of people such as I'm multiracial or Christian (any religion) before his/her ancestry which is Afrikan is a Nationalist. This doesn't just apply to Black people. It applies to any human species who is a nationalist. As the saying goes... Together we stand, divided we fall... whereby white Europeans saw our divisiveness (making enemies and warring against ourselves) as a weakness. White Europeans war against other white Europeans. The only difference is all of them will come together when time to destroy/enslave us. (hence: Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Colonization of Afrika). #Nationality #Nationalist
    1 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 5004 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • Amongst BLKPOC there is ONE GOD, the same God, never changing. ‘Allah’, ‘The Most High’, ‘God’. Euros found the ORIGINAL Bible in the 1500s when they invited themselves to Africa with nefarious intentions & created (white) religions, off shoots of Christianity. The God sold to the West is not the God of the ORIGINAL Bible which is not marketed to the West. Respect of historical culture & Mother Earth is a big deal. No BLKPOC nations invading other nations. The goal is PEACE not dominance which causes hatred, resentment.
    https://youtube.com/shorts/PzOuUnF6p_c?si=1mJTH8T07Q8425MRhttps://youtu.be/O8J5mK7JKMY?si=cbLxOmpJ8xqtHyCZhttps://youtu.be/hOwnDQC7Z6I?si=IjNPPYeD0jAeG3qnhttps://youtu.be/zCgyw1v_Gcc?si=yox_DX8u_MYpn18sTrumps talking out the side of his neck. France was stealing Lithium, Uranium & the U.S as well along with OIL, etc., and those resources shared amongst euro nations. So, what does Trump mean ‘pay your tab ‘ to other nations when they are in bed together? Trump will have no choice but to watch Putin do whatever he wants, including to him since B.R.I.C.S controls said resources. Did you hear Putin speak raising Trump in the last interview? Trump is a non-entity to BLKPOC.
    Amongst BLKPOC there is ONE GOD, the same God, never changing. ‘Allah’, ‘The Most High’, ‘God’. Euros found the ORIGINAL Bible in the 1500s when they invited themselves to Africa with nefarious intentions & created (white) religions, off shoots of Christianity. The God sold to the West is not the God of the ORIGINAL Bible which is not marketed to the West. Respect of historical culture & Mother Earth is a big deal. No BLKPOC nations invading other nations. The goal is PEACE not dominance which causes hatred, resentment. https://youtube.com/shorts/PzOuUnF6p_c?si=1mJTH8T07Q8425MRhttps://youtu.be/O8J5mK7JKMY?si=cbLxOmpJ8xqtHyCZhttps://youtu.be/hOwnDQC7Z6I?si=IjNPPYeD0jAeG3qnhttps://youtu.be/zCgyw1v_Gcc?si=yox_DX8u_MYpn18sTrumps talking out the side of his neck. France was stealing Lithium, Uranium & the U.S as well along with OIL, etc., and those resources shared amongst euro nations. So, what does Trump mean ‘pay your tab ‘ to other nations when they are in bed together? Trump will have no choice but to watch Putin do whatever he wants, including to him since B.R.I.C.S controls said resources. Did you hear Putin speak raising Trump in the last interview? Trump is a non-entity to BLKPOC. https://youtu.be/fKZ-Hi9eowM?si=u6vlsevHU6OitwV1
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 2153 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • ‘World Gouvenours’ according to the Original Ethiopian Bible from which all religions were created, playing games.. https://youtu.be/ZXZ0vgx9xEM?si=q5ZQnx0H4u1Q8EnN
    ‘World Gouvenours’ according to the Original Ethiopian Bible from which all religions were created, playing games.. https://youtu.be/ZXZ0vgx9xEM?si=q5ZQnx0H4u1Q8EnN
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 714 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • U.S was the only one yelling ‘TAKE GOD OUT OF THE EQUATION! TAKE GOD OUTTA SCHOOLS!” That’s when whites got fearful again when it was packaged as ‘ They'll put their religion/God in your white kids heads! indoctrination!!!!’ Odd thing is, their kids don’t even think about God from what we see. That country was allegedly built on faith in the God/Jesus they created in the 1600s. How do we know this?:
    https://www.dictionary.com/e/j/Apr 8, 2011 — It wasn't until ***1524 ***when Gian Giorgio Trissino, an Italian Renaissance grammarian known as the father of the letter J, made a clear distinction…
    Rumour has it Jesus is well over thousands of years old. Then, how could his name be JESUS when the letter ‘J’ didn’t exist until the 1500s?
    EURO CONTSRUCT. Folks are programmed in the U.S. And a certain sub section can’t stand you telling them they are WRONG, show them this proof & they wanna go right home, in the cellar for one of those 1600 Cat pistols ya been collecting for just this time. You’ve been HOODWINKED. Leaning into your own understanding when you are not the purveyors of truth. There was something before you & he is greater.
    It’s logical & the word says ‘YOU MUST SEEK TRUTH’. Gotta establish context. I will not have discussions with irrational ppl. I have discourse with my equals. The rest Ill end up teaching.
    U.S was the only one yelling ‘TAKE GOD OUT OF THE EQUATION! TAKE GOD OUTTA SCHOOLS!” That’s when whites got fearful again when it was packaged as ‘ They'll put their religion/God in your white kids heads! indoctrination!!!!’ Odd thing is, their kids don’t even think about God from what we see. That country was allegedly built on faith in the God/Jesus they created in the 1600s. How do we know this?: https://www.dictionary.com/e/j/Apr 8, 2011 — It wasn't until ***1524 ***when Gian Giorgio Trissino, an Italian Renaissance grammarian known as the father of the letter J, made a clear distinction… Rumour has it Jesus is well over thousands of years old. Then, how could his name be JESUS when the letter ‘J’ didn’t exist until the 1500s? EURO CONTSRUCT. Folks are programmed in the U.S. And a certain sub section can’t stand you telling them they are WRONG, show them this proof & they wanna go right home, in the cellar for one of those 1600 Cat pistols ya been collecting for just this time. You’ve been HOODWINKED. Leaning into your own understanding when you are not the purveyors of truth. There was something before you & he is greater. It’s logical & the word says ‘YOU MUST SEEK TRUTH’. Gotta establish context. I will not have discussions with irrational ppl. I have discourse with my equals. The rest Ill end up teaching.
    The Mysterious Origins Of The Month Of April's Name
    April is a month for laughs, springtime, and celebrations. But do you know the origin of the month and its name? Learn about the mysterious history of April's name here.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1482 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • Superman, Hermes, God, Zeus, Israel, Garden of Eden-ALL BLKPOC CULTURE:
    Book overview
    **The Ethiopian Bible is the oldest and most complete bible on earth**.
    https://www.amazon.com › Books-...https://www.amazon.com/Books-Ethiopian-Bible-Missing-Protestant/dp/1695857968#:~:text=Book%20overview,most%20complete%20bible%20on%20earth.That’s where white religions were jacked from. Jesus is a Euro construct as the letter J never existed on the Continent of Africa. God is Yahweh, YASHUA. “The letter J wasn't invented until 1524 when Gian Giorgio Trissino, an Italian Renaissance grammarian known as the father of the letter J, made a clear distinction between the two sounds.”
    What does the Ethiopian Bible say about Jesus?
    It doesn’t. But the Church holds to the view that **He is God the Son in His incarnate state**. Born of God the Father eternally as God the Son, He was born of the Virgin Mother as a real man.
    Superman, Hermes, God, Zeus, Israel, Garden of Eden-ALL BLKPOC CULTURE: Book overview **The Ethiopian Bible is the oldest and most complete bible on earth**. https://www.amazon.com › Books-...https://www.amazon.com/Books-Ethiopian-Bible-Missing-Protestant/dp/1695857968#:~:text=Book%20overview,most%20complete%20bible%20on%20earth.That’s where white religions were jacked from. Jesus is a Euro construct as the letter J never existed on the Continent of Africa. God is Yahweh, YASHUA. “The letter J wasn't invented until 1524 when Gian Giorgio Trissino, an Italian Renaissance grammarian known as the father of the letter J, made a clear distinction between the two sounds.” What does the Ethiopian Bible say about Jesus? It doesn’t. But the Church holds to the view that **He is God the Son in His incarnate state**. Born of God the Father eternally as God the Son, He was born of the Virgin Mother as a real man.
    Amazon.com. Spend less. Smile more.
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    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 673 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
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