• City files bankruptcy to keep from paying BLKPOC man:https://whyy.org/articles/pa-chester-chester-city-bankruptcy-freezes-all-litigation-city/
    City files bankruptcy to keep from paying BLKPOC man:https://whyy.org/articles/pa-chester-chester-city-bankruptcy-freezes-all-litigation-city/
    Civil rights on hold? Chester’s bankruptcy freezes all litigation against the city
    Chester’s bankruptcy filing has not only halted cases — people with judgments and settlements against the city will likely be left with just pennies on the dollar.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 108 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • "See how they put out 2-3 versions of the same subject" Drake was looking up flights. Malik said "Just to keep ppl confused. They'll wake up broke and have to go with the beast"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyu1Zfq2Dqw
    "See how they put out 2-3 versions of the same subject" Drake was looking up flights. Malik said "Just to keep ppl confused. They'll wake up broke and have to go with the beast"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyu1Zfq2Dqw
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 150 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • If you didn't know, I cut wood as my workout and hobby. Overextended my thumb about a month and a half ago. Because I do so much with my hands, it's been hard to keep the wrist straight.

    If you want to avoid long term wrist-related wear and tear, move from your elbow or shoulder. Limit the wrist action and your whole arm into it.
    If you didn't know, I cut wood as my workout and hobby. Overextended my thumb about a month and a half ago. Because I do so much with my hands, it's been hard to keep the wrist straight. If you want to avoid long term wrist-related wear and tear, move from your elbow or shoulder. Limit the wrist action and your whole arm into it.
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 179 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • "Black People are the Smartest Humans" - Neil Tyson (+ why it's a BAD thing)

    It has been documented that Afrikans possess the highest genetic diversity that can produce all skin, eye, and hair colors, including features, sizes, and the ability to produce more geniuses than other human species.

    But because of how Afrikans have been always portrayed by other human species in the worst negative way (negativity bias), and by design, the world sees Afrikans with a negative, racist, prejudiced eye.

    Some say China has the largest population. I beg to differ. Afrika has the largest population because it has a large number of Afrikan tribes living with populations not documented--living off-grid.

    But putting that aside, even if Afrika doesn't have the largest population now, it will become the #1 largest in some years to come that was scientifically and mathematically documented.

    Afrika can become a world power even if those with an agenda make sure it never becomes one. Africans need to start by uniting the 54 countries into one government with many branches of government for each one of the 54 states.

    Are Afrikans something to be feared? Absolutely not!

    Throughout history... It was never Afrikans ambition to conquer and rule the world, commit genocide, and enslave other human species as feared. It's the fear factor that leads others to keep Afrikans down in every possible way knowing that Afrika feeds the world and their pockets.

    Afikans had access to gun power (black powder) long before white Europeans but never used it as a weapon of mass destruction, to conquer and destroy. Afrika is not a worldwide threat but only to those with a sick, greedy, and prejudiced mind does Afrika and Afrikans become a global threat.

    "Black People are the Smartest Humans" - Neil Tyson (+ why it's a BAD thing) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVF-coeV_xE It has been documented that Afrikans possess the highest genetic diversity that can produce all skin, eye, and hair colors, including features, sizes, and the ability to produce more geniuses than other human species. But because of how Afrikans have been always portrayed by other human species in the worst negative way (negativity bias), and by design, the world sees Afrikans with a negative, racist, prejudiced eye. Some say China has the largest population. I beg to differ. Afrika has the largest population because it has a large number of Afrikan tribes living with populations not documented--living off-grid. But putting that aside, even if Afrika doesn't have the largest population now, it will become the #1 largest in some years to come that was scientifically and mathematically documented. Afrika can become a world power even if those with an agenda make sure it never becomes one. Africans need to start by uniting the 54 countries into one government with many branches of government for each one of the 54 states. Are Afrikans something to be feared? Absolutely not! Throughout history... It was never Afrikans ambition to conquer and rule the world, commit genocide, and enslave other human species as feared. It's the fear factor that leads others to keep Afrikans down in every possible way knowing that Afrika feeds the world and their pockets. Afikans had access to gun power (black powder) long before white Europeans but never used it as a weapon of mass destruction, to conquer and destroy. Afrika is not a worldwide threat but only to those with a sick, greedy, and prejudiced mind does Afrika and Afrikans become a global threat. #Afrikans #africa #BlackPeople #GeneticDiversity #negativitybias #Racism #Prejudice
    1 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 595 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • What Happened To The Original North African Berber (Amazigh)?

    What controversy is there?

    We're talking about the original Berbers just like the original Romans, Vikings, Greeks, Irish, Scottish, and Europeans that ruled were Black.

    Afrikans (ancient Afrika, Kemet--a.k.a ancient Egypt) were Black. Keep in mind white European, Asian, and Arab invaders came later and ruled, and to nicely put it gave the mixture to Afrikans and a lightness of the skin. White Europeans try to replace the original Berbers, Kemet (ancient Egypt), and Afrikan history with their HIS-STORY.

    Watch the video, it's very educational and also covers the Black Moors (mostly if not all Muslims) enslavement of white Europeans, in particular white women.

    You'll also learn how much of North Afrika became light, and very light, and the coming of white people and non-Black population.

    What Happened To The Original North African Berber (Amazigh)? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NMZuOmf9RU What controversy is there? We're talking about the original Berbers just like the original Romans, Vikings, Greeks, Irish, Scottish, and Europeans that ruled were Black. Afrikans (ancient Afrika, Kemet--a.k.a ancient Egypt) were Black. Keep in mind white European, Asian, and Arab invaders came later and ruled, and to nicely put it gave the mixture to Afrikans and a lightness of the skin. White Europeans try to replace the original Berbers, Kemet (ancient Egypt), and Afrikan history with their HIS-STORY. Watch the video, it's very educational and also covers the Black Moors (mostly if not all Muslims) enslavement of white Europeans, in particular white women. You'll also learn how much of North Afrika became light, and very light, and the coming of white people and non-Black population. #Berbers #NorthAfrika
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 603 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • The U.S says the job of the president is to keep the 'majority' safe...Who many ppl of color coming across the border? Crimes against humanity? Yes. Lest we forget Author Bob Woodward recording a conversation w/ tramp in which he ask tramp 'Why didn't you tell America the PLAGUE was lethal?':
    The U.S says the job of the president is to keep the 'majority' safe...Who many ppl of color coming across the border? Crimes against humanity? Yes. Lest we forget Author Bob Woodward recording a conversation w/ tramp in which he ask tramp 'Why didn't you tell America the PLAGUE was lethal?': https://youtu.be/Injg_vFzxLM?si=-kn_WN9noTuTNqk-
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 112 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • "..So we can keep exploiting"....https://www.youtube.com/live/R5afqAz3_YE?si=zqv0p4aJ91WnrmMt
    "..So we can keep exploiting"....https://www.youtube.com/live/R5afqAz3_YE?si=zqv0p4aJ91WnrmMt
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 147 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • Venezuela Just Announced The Unthinkable, BRICS And Entire Oil Industry Changes FOREVER After This

    Here’s a plot twist: Venezuela is shaking up the global energy scene by hinting that it might hand over its massive oil and gas contracts to the BRICS nations. This isn’t just a minor shuffle—it’s a potential game-changer that could rewrite the rules of global energy and alliances. So, what’s really going on? Let’s break it down in a way that’s easy to digest. Venezuela, the country sitting on the world’s largest proven oil reserves (we’re talking about 303 billion barrels here), has decided to play its cards a bit differently. President Nicolas Maduro dropped a bombshell recently, saying that if the United States and its buddies keep up the pressure, Venezuela might just say, “Thanks, but no thanks,” and pass the torch to BRICS. And if you’re not familiar, BRICS is made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

    Now, why would Venezuela consider such a bold move? It’s not just about the oil—it’s a way of telling the U.S. to back off. The U.S. has been pretty vocal about its support for Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, who they believe won the recent elections. But Maduro isn’t having it and is pushing back by looking for friends in other places. So, shifting oil contracts to BRICS? That’s Venezuela making a statement: “We’ve got other options.”
    Venezuela Just Announced The Unthinkable, BRICS And Entire Oil Industry Changes FOREVER After This Here’s a plot twist: Venezuela is shaking up the global energy scene by hinting that it might hand over its massive oil and gas contracts to the BRICS nations. This isn’t just a minor shuffle—it’s a potential game-changer that could rewrite the rules of global energy and alliances. So, what’s really going on? Let’s break it down in a way that’s easy to digest. Venezuela, the country sitting on the world’s largest proven oil reserves (we’re talking about 303 billion barrels here), has decided to play its cards a bit differently. President Nicolas Maduro dropped a bombshell recently, saying that if the United States and its buddies keep up the pressure, Venezuela might just say, “Thanks, but no thanks,” and pass the torch to BRICS. And if you’re not familiar, BRICS is made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Now, why would Venezuela consider such a bold move? It’s not just about the oil—it’s a way of telling the U.S. to back off. The U.S. has been pretty vocal about its support for Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, who they believe won the recent elections. But Maduro isn’t having it and is pushing back by looking for friends in other places. So, shifting oil contracts to BRICS? That’s Venezuela making a statement: “We’ve got other options.”
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 249 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • Mistake...in his speech he told B.R.I.C.S to keep pushing. That he wished them success:https://youtu.be/W5buI241g_8?si=2jADChRdv_iWLYTN
    Mistake...in his speech he told B.R.I.C.S to keep pushing. That he wished them success:https://youtu.be/W5buI241g_8?si=2jADChRdv_iWLYTN
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 77 Visualizações 0 Anterior
  • "Post-Super Power U.S.A- ..that's right. Ppl don't even notice. Don't wanna hear bad things" Granny said. Malik said, "Trump gets back in there like the WEF wants there will be more wars. Wasn't Ukraine him? Signing that fake Abraham Accord the word says the Anti-Christ would sign" Malik was just rolling thoughts in his head. Out loud. "Weren't his back-breaking sanctions on countries what caused or expedited B.R.I.C.S. among other things. Even the colonizers known as France tried to run, join B.R.I.C.S." Drake chimed in. He'd said with this German meds they can't find his cancer. Prostate cancer wearing Brothas' out. And as long as you're near the 5G boxes they primarily put in BLKPOC hoods...well. it's a problem. Drake said, "they are panicked about the rise of the Global South and its strong currency but hasn't confirmed it to the public. By the time they do-- everyone in the U S will be stuck unless they are prepared to live off grid and that takes strategizing and time to set up plus the land. Everybody will have no choice .. no choice but to go along with the MARK OF THE BEAST plan if you wanna eat, digital currency if you want a roof over your head, keep your car..You'll be back in the fields. The Brown nations, B.R.I.C..S have repatriated, turned their USD in and are to be paid in gold ...the U.S doesnt have. They are/in the process of being self-sufficient. They own the resources, they don't have to grow what little real food the U.S gets . By the by, the U.S says food is not a right. This dirt is cursed. Nothing's growing.*
    "Post-Super Power U.S.A- ..that's right. Ppl don't even notice. Don't wanna hear bad things" Granny said. Malik said, "Trump gets back in there like the WEF wants there will be more wars. Wasn't Ukraine him? Signing that fake Abraham Accord the word says the Anti-Christ would sign" Malik was just rolling thoughts in his head. Out loud. "Weren't his back-breaking sanctions on countries what caused or expedited B.R.I.C.S. among other things. Even the colonizers known as France tried to run, join B.R.I.C.S." Drake chimed in. He'd said with this German meds they can't find his cancer. Prostate cancer wearing Brothas' out. And as long as you're near the 5G boxes they primarily put in BLKPOC hoods...well. it's a problem. Drake said, "they are panicked about the rise of the Global South and its strong currency but hasn't confirmed it to the public. By the time they do-- everyone in the U S will be stuck unless they are prepared to live off grid and that takes strategizing and time to set up plus the land. Everybody will have no choice .. no choice but to go along with the MARK OF THE BEAST plan if you wanna eat, digital currency if you want a roof over your head, keep your car..You'll be back in the fields. The Brown nations, B.R.I.C..S have repatriated, turned their USD in and are to be paid in gold ...the U.S doesnt have. They are/in the process of being self-sufficient. They own the resources, they don't have to grow what little real food the U.S gets . By the by, the U.S says food is not a right. This dirt is cursed. Nothing's growing.*
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 309 Visualizações 0 Anterior
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