• African Ancestry

    Hey Family!

    We don't want you to miss out on discovering your identity story, especially with family gatherings and celebrations just around the corner for the holidays.

    There are three main reasons that people hesitate to transform their lives with an African Ancestry Test.

    Please don't let FEAR be the reason you decide not to take this test. We never sell or share your DNA. Once we send you your result, our lab destroys your DNA.

    Please don't let PRICE be the reason you decide not to take this test. Everything on our site is 15% off this weekend. Plus, we partner with Affirm to provide payment plan options. Plus, the results you receive are the same for everyone on your mama's side. Your siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins benefit from this one single test. In some families, folks pitch in to cover the cost.

    Please don't let MISINFORMATION be the reason you decide not to take this test. You can choose from well-known companies that will compare you to 1,825 African DNA samples or 4,300 African DNA samples. That is not enough data to tell you anything other than you are from Africa...which you already know
    African Ancestry Shadow Hey Family! We don't want you to miss out on discovering your identity story, especially with family gatherings and celebrations just around the corner for the holidays. There are three main reasons that people hesitate to transform their lives with an African Ancestry Test. Please don't let FEAR be the reason you decide not to take this test. We never sell or share your DNA. Once we send you your result, our lab destroys your DNA. Please don't let PRICE be the reason you decide not to take this test. Everything on our site is 15% off this weekend. Plus, we partner with Affirm to provide payment plan options. Plus, the results you receive are the same for everyone on your mama's side. Your siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins benefit from this one single test. In some families, folks pitch in to cover the cost. Please don't let MISINFORMATION be the reason you decide not to take this test. You can choose from well-known companies that will compare you to 1,825 African DNA samples or 4,300 African DNA samples. That is not enough data to tell you anything other than you are from Africa...which you already know
    0 ComentƔrios 0 Compartilhamentos 168 VisualizaƧƵes 0 Anterior
  • Many white people believe in Anunnaki and they are on YouTube telling you they are the descendants of aliens, supposedly supreme beings that created human species and enslaved people in Afrika to mine gold in Afrika.

    This leaves you to wonder which human species were supposedly created to become slaves to mine gold and which ones became enslavers. I'll take a while guess... White people were the enslavers and Black people in Afrika were the slaves.

    Here's what they conjured up in a book for all to believe...

    In his 1976 book The Twelfth Planet, Russian-American author Zecharia Sitchin claimed that the Anunnaki were actually a race of extraterrestrial beings from the undiscovered planet Nibiru, who came to Earth around 500,000 years ago in order to mine gold.

    According to Sitchin, the Anunnaki genetically engineered homo erectus to create modern humans to work as their slaves. Sitchin claimed that the Anunnaki were forced to leave Earth when Antarctic glaciers melted, causing the Flood of Noah, which also destroyed the Anunnaki’s bases on Earth.

    These had to be rebuilt and the Nephilim, needing more humans to help in this massive effort, taught them agriculture.

    Ronald H. Fritze writes that, according to Sitchin, “the Annunaki built the pyramids and all the other monumental structures from around the world that ancient astronaut theorists consider so impossible to build without highly advanced technologies.

    “Sitchin also claimed that the Anunnaki had left behind human-alien hybrids, some of whom may still be alive today, unaware of their alien ancestry. Sitchin expanded on this mythology in later works, including The Stairway to Heaven (1980) and The Wars of Gods and Men (1985).

    In The End of Days: Armageddon and the Prophecy of the Return (2007), Sitchin predicted that the Anunnaki would return to earth, possibly as soon as 2012, corresponding to the end of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar.
    Many white people believe in Anunnaki and they are on YouTube telling you they are the descendants of aliens, supposedly supreme beings that created human species and enslaved people in Afrika to mine gold in Afrika. This leaves you to wonder which human species were supposedly created to become slaves to mine gold and which ones became enslavers. I'll take a while guess... White people were the enslavers and Black people in Afrika were the slaves. Here's what they conjured up in a book for all to believe... In his 1976 book The Twelfth Planet, Russian-American author Zecharia Sitchin claimed that the Anunnaki were actually a race of extraterrestrial beings from the undiscovered planet Nibiru, who came to Earth around 500,000 years ago in order to mine gold. According to Sitchin, the Anunnaki genetically engineered homo erectus to create modern humans to work as their slaves. Sitchin claimed that the Anunnaki were forced to leave Earth when Antarctic glaciers melted, causing the Flood of Noah, which also destroyed the Anunnaki’s bases on Earth. These had to be rebuilt and the Nephilim, needing more humans to help in this massive effort, taught them agriculture. Ronald H. Fritze writes that, according to Sitchin, “the Annunaki built the pyramids and all the other monumental structures from around the world that ancient astronaut theorists consider so impossible to build without highly advanced technologies. “Sitchin also claimed that the Anunnaki had left behind human-alien hybrids, some of whom may still be alive today, unaware of their alien ancestry. Sitchin expanded on this mythology in later works, including The Stairway to Heaven (1980) and The Wars of Gods and Men (1985). In The End of Days: Armageddon and the Prophecy of the Return (2007), Sitchin predicted that the Anunnaki would return to earth, possibly as soon as 2012, corresponding to the end of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar.
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  • Image credit to Why I write Afrika with a K – Tutaleni I. Asino

    I politely posted a statement to correct someone's use of the term "African Race" which is no such thing. I referred to Afrikan Kingdoms, Afrikan Tribes, Afrikan Ancestry.

    More and more black people worldwide are beginning to educate themselves in Black History/Ancient Afrikan history so I must never forget each individual is on a different level.

    I received a comment from a Black brother after addressing and correcting the use of "African Race".

    Here's what the commenter told me...

    "afrikan ancestor what nonsense is afrikan?? Who is afrikan. Does the word afrikan make sense."

    Again, knowing each individual is on a different level, I was compelled to address this brother on his level.

    'The proof is in the pudding'

    If anyone is wondering the same thing, why some of us spell Africa with a 'k' (hence: Afrika or Afrikan), read the following article. You too may end up using 'k' instead of 'c' whereas the latter is what white Europeans used when changing Afrika and Afrikan to Africa and African.

    We must do our best to break free from Western/European mental slavery and brainwashing. Remember, white Europeans including Arabs changed some of our Black/Afrikan languages/spellings during their invasions and colonization of Afrika including other lands such as the Americas and Caribbeans where indigenous Blacks migrated from Afrika long before other human species.

    Learn why you should spell Africa and African with a 'k' as in Afrika and Afrikan.

    Four Reasons for Using 'K' in Afrika

    Image credit to Why I write Afrika with a K – Tutaleni I. Asino I politely posted a statement to correct someone's use of the term "African Race" which is no such thing. I referred to Afrikan Kingdoms, Afrikan Tribes, Afrikan Ancestry. More and more black people worldwide are beginning to educate themselves in Black History/Ancient Afrikan history so I must never forget each individual is on a different level. I received a comment from a Black brother after addressing and correcting the use of "African Race". Here's what the commenter told me... "afrikan ancestor what nonsense is afrikan?? Who is afrikan. Does the word afrikan make sense." Again, knowing each individual is on a different level, I was compelled to address this brother on his level. 'The proof is in the pudding' If anyone is wondering the same thing, why some of us spell Africa with a 'k' (hence: Afrika or Afrikan), read the following article. You too may end up using 'k' instead of 'c' whereas the latter is what white Europeans used when changing Afrika and Afrikan to Africa and African. We must do our best to break free from Western/European mental slavery and brainwashing. Remember, white Europeans including Arabs changed some of our Black/Afrikan languages/spellings during their invasions and colonization of Afrika including other lands such as the Americas and Caribbeans where indigenous Blacks migrated from Afrika long before other human species. Learn why you should spell Africa and African with a 'k' as in Afrika and Afrikan. Four Reasons for Using 'K' in Afrika https://soh.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/692 #Africa #African #Afrika #Afrikan #Westerns #Europeans #Spellings #Names
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  • There was a time in ancient history when Afrikans traveled to Asia and left their imprint, ruled, bringing their culture, and knowledge, among other things. They mixed with the people there and gave birth to mixed Afrikans. This is why so many Asians today have Afrikan blood in them.

    New information revealed there are more Asians with Afrikan blood than previously thought.

    Should you decide to study or want to research further than Black History, you need to study ancient Black Afrikan History that covers the 4-corners of the world.

    This notion that Black (Negro) people ain't Black Afrikan people and vice-versa is ridiculous. In ancient times, our Afrikan people including the Moors were great navigators and built ships that sailed across the sea, and the world--many migrated to new lands including America long before anyone else.

    I don't care how you look at it... We are them (Black Afrikans) and they are us (Black Negros) or any name you want to give us such as Black Aboriginals, Moors, etc. Any fool can look at both people and see a remarkable resemblance.

    During slavery, all Blacks from different lands mated willingly or forcibly. The white man raped our Black aboriginal mothers and Black Afrikan mothers repeatedly that bleached our skins.

    This also includes white women slave owners doing the same things to Black slaves (men, women, children) the white men did to Black females, males, and children. Recent studies show there were more white women slave owners than previously known.

    The ancestry is still Afrikan but many Blacks of all skin colors from different lands want to deny it. I was one of them back in the day when I was extremely ignorant and didn't know my true history or origin. You must study the 4-corners of the world, our Black Afrikan History to get the full history and picture to reach a logical conclusion based on facts.

    There was a time in ancient history when Afrikans traveled to Asia and left their imprint, ruled, bringing their culture, and knowledge, among other things. They mixed with the people there and gave birth to mixed Afrikans. This is why so many Asians today have Afrikan blood in them. New information revealed there are more Asians with Afrikan blood than previously thought. Should you decide to study or want to research further than Black History, you need to study ancient Black Afrikan History that covers the 4-corners of the world. This notion that Black (Negro) people ain't Black Afrikan people and vice-versa is ridiculous. In ancient times, our Afrikan people including the Moors were great navigators and built ships that sailed across the sea, and the world--many migrated to new lands including America long before anyone else. I don't care how you look at it... We are them (Black Afrikans) and they are us (Black Negros) or any name you want to give us such as Black Aboriginals, Moors, etc. Any fool can look at both people and see a remarkable resemblance. During slavery, all Blacks from different lands mated willingly or forcibly. The white man raped our Black aboriginal mothers and Black Afrikan mothers repeatedly that bleached our skins. This also includes white women slave owners doing the same things to Black slaves (men, women, children) the white men did to Black females, males, and children. Recent studies show there were more white women slave owners than previously known. The ancestry is still Afrikan but many Blacks of all skin colors from different lands want to deny it. I was one of them back in the day when I was extremely ignorant and didn't know my true history or origin. You must study the 4-corners of the world, our Black Afrikan History to get the full history and picture to reach a logical conclusion based on facts. #Afrika #Africa #Asia #MansaMusa
    2 ComentƔrios 1 Compartilhamentos 845 VisualizaƧƵes 0 Anterior
  • Happy Friday, Family,
    In honor of Black History Month, let's celebrate Henry T. Sampson, an African American inventor and engineer whose groundbreaking contributions shaped modern telecommunications. Born on January 22, 1934, in Jackson, Mississippi, Sampson's legacy continues to inspire generations.
    Sampson's invention, the "gamma-electrical cell," patented in 1971, laid the foundation for the development of the cellular phone. šŸ“± His innovation enabled the conversion of analog signals to digital signals, revolutionizing communication worldwide.
    This innovation reminds us of the importance of staying connected, especially in challenging times like yesterday's network outages. šŸ‘€
    Whether you're curious about your maternal or paternal ancestry, our MatriClan and PatriClan Tests provide a deep dive into your family's heritage. Plus, our Family Celebration Package allows you to explore both lineages and celebrate your roots together.
    Happy Friday, Family, In honor of Black History Month, let's celebrate Henry T. Sampson, an African American inventor and engineer whose groundbreaking contributions shaped modern telecommunications. Born on January 22, 1934, in Jackson, Mississippi, Sampson's legacy continues to inspire generations. Sampson's invention, the "gamma-electrical cell," patented in 1971, laid the foundation for the development of the cellular phone. šŸ“± His innovation enabled the conversion of analog signals to digital signals, revolutionizing communication worldwide. This innovation reminds us of the importance of staying connected, especially in challenging times like yesterday's network outages. šŸ‘€ Whether you're curious about your maternal or paternal ancestry, our MatriClan and PatriClan Tests provide a deep dive into your family's heritage. Plus, our Family Celebration Package allows you to explore both lineages and celebrate your roots together. henry_t_sampson_inventor_first_cell_phone
    0 ComentƔrios 0 Compartilhamentos 1706 VisualizaƧƵes 0 Anterior
  • What is Nationality?

    Defined by Dr. Clyde Winters...

    "We can define Nationality as the legal bond that ties a person to a state. It confers on this person a legal status as determined by national laws, such as those regulating the rights of persons and property. Given the definition, unless blacks are not specifically identified as a population, this term can not be applied to so-called Black Americans and/or American descendants of slaves (ADOS)."

    What is Nationalist?

    Nationality vs Nationalism

    "Nationalism arises out of nationality. It adds something to nationality. It adds emulative, combative, aggressive, bellicose elements to nationality. Hatred is not necessarily part of nationality; it frequently is so in nationalism."
    Nation, Nationality, Nationalism and Civil Society
    Wiley Online Library
    https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › pdf

    "Basically, if a group of people has a shared sense of nationalism, they form a “nation.” The idea of nationalism believes that once a group has defined itself as a nation they have a “natural right” to territory necessary to live in and govern in."
    Nations, States, and Nation-States | Aggies GO | USU

    I would say any Black person, knowingly or unknowingly, declaring him/herself part of a country such as I'm an American, tribe such as I'm Igbo, or a group of people such as I'm multiracial or Christian (any religion) before his/her ancestry which is Afrikan is a Nationalist.

    This doesn't just apply to Black people. It applies to any human species who is a nationalist.

    As the saying goes... Together we stand, divided we fall... whereby white Europeans saw our divisiveness (making enemies and warring against ourselves) as a weakness. White Europeans war against other white Europeans. The only difference is all of them will come together when time to destroy/enslave us. (hence: Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Colonization of Afrika).

    What is Nationality? Defined by Dr. Clyde Winters... "We can define Nationality as the legal bond that ties a person to a state. It confers on this person a legal status as determined by national laws, such as those regulating the rights of persons and property. Given the definition, unless blacks are not specifically identified as a population, this term can not be applied to so-called Black Americans and/or American descendants of slaves (ADOS)." ------- What is Nationalist? Nationality vs Nationalism "Nationalism arises out of nationality. It adds something to nationality. It adds emulative, combative, aggressive, bellicose elements to nationality. Hatred is not necessarily part of nationality; it frequently is so in nationalism." ------ Nation, Nationality, Nationalism and Civil Society Wiley Online Library https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › pdf "Basically, if a group of people has a shared sense of nationalism, they form a “nation.” The idea of nationalism believes that once a group has defined itself as a nation they have a “natural right” to territory necessary to live in and govern in." ------- Nations, States, and Nation-States | Aggies GO | USU usu.edu I would say any Black person, knowingly or unknowingly, declaring him/herself part of a country such as I'm an American, tribe such as I'm Igbo, or a group of people such as I'm multiracial or Christian (any religion) before his/her ancestry which is Afrikan is a Nationalist. This doesn't just apply to Black people. It applies to any human species who is a nationalist. As the saying goes... Together we stand, divided we fall... whereby white Europeans saw our divisiveness (making enemies and warring against ourselves) as a weakness. White Europeans war against other white Europeans. The only difference is all of them will come together when time to destroy/enslave us. (hence: Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Colonization of Afrika). #Nationality #Nationalist
    1 ComentƔrios 0 Compartilhamentos 4964 VisualizaƧƵes 0 Anterior
  • This is a portrait of Septimius Severus, a Roman emperor of mixed Italian and North African ancestry who seized the imperial throne in a military coup around 193 AD and kept it until his death in 211 AD. However, five of his descendants would mantain their grip on leadership of the Empire until 235 AD, so you could say Severus had founded a short-lived ruling dynasty.

    Among Severus’s actions as emperor were expanding the imperial army and raising their annual wages (which unfortunately required him to debase the currency and raise taxes on the populace, for both of which he received criticism from his contemporaries), winning a number of victories against the Parthian Empire in western Asia, and attempting to take over the entire island of Great Britain by invading Scotland. It was in Eboracum, now known as York, where he passed away from gout.

    Although Severus has been celebrated as a “Black Emperor of Rome” due to his African parentage, I admit that I had some difficulty deciding on a skin tone. One of the Roman paintings of him does depict him with a fairly dark skin tone, but on the other hand his mother would have been a typical Italian Roman, and there is an anecdote from the Historia Augusta mentions the emperor reacting negatively to the “ominous color” of an “Aethiopian” soldier handing him a garland, which he took to be a negative omen (“Aethiopian” means “burnt face” in Greek and normally referred to African peoples from the Sudan). In the end, I settled on a nut-brown complexion roughly approximating his painted portrait.
    This is a portrait of Septimius Severus, a Roman emperor of mixed Italian and North African ancestry who seized the imperial throne in a military coup around 193 AD and kept it until his death in 211 AD. However, five of his descendants would mantain their grip on leadership of the Empire until 235 AD, so you could say Severus had founded a short-lived ruling dynasty. Among Severus’s actions as emperor were expanding the imperial army and raising their annual wages (which unfortunately required him to debase the currency and raise taxes on the populace, for both of which he received criticism from his contemporaries), winning a number of victories against the Parthian Empire in western Asia, and attempting to take over the entire island of Great Britain by invading Scotland. It was in Eboracum, now known as York, where he passed away from gout. Although Severus has been celebrated as a “Black Emperor of Rome” due to his African parentage, I admit that I had some difficulty deciding on a skin tone. One of the Roman paintings of him does depict him with a fairly dark skin tone, but on the other hand his mother would have been a typical Italian Roman, and there is an anecdote from the Historia Augusta mentions the emperor reacting negatively to the “ominous color” of an “Aethiopian” soldier handing him a garland, which he took to be a negative omen (“Aethiopian” means “burnt face” in Greek and normally referred to African peoples from the Sudan). In the end, I settled on a nut-brown complexion roughly approximating his painted portrait.
    0 ComentƔrios 0 Compartilhamentos 2427 VisualizaƧƵes 0 Anterior
  • My grands always visited their relatives on the Cherokee reservation who were treated like sh*+ like those dumps whites force them in today. That is a FEDERAL OFFENSE. No where in white folks laws does it say “If you were enslaved we won’t recognize you”. DISCRIMINATION & numerous white lawyers REFUSED to rep me because you hold each other up in your wrong.
    “how many Natives lived in North America before Columbus, estimates range from **3.8 million, as mentioned above, to 7 million people to a high of 18 million**Population history of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas - Wikipedia (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_history_of_the_Indigenous_peoples_of_the_Americas#:~:text=While%20it%20is%20difficult%20to,a%20high%20of%2018%20million.)… population hit bottom early in this century when census figures reported 490,000; by Dobyns's calcula- tion that means **between 9.8 million and 12.2 million** …Apr 5, 2009…
    How Many People Were Here Before Columbus? (https://www.bxscience.edu/ourpages/auto/2009/4/5/34767803/Pre-Columbian%20population.pdf)..
    How many Indians live in the USA 2023?
    Whites SLAUGHTERED THEM. Most BLKPOC I know have Indian ancestry. This is what it looks like to us: whites have one Fucn excuse after another. Africa/B.R.I.C.S is willing to respect us.
    WHAT’S your excuse now?And do you know why you don’t hear from them? One of the reasons is all the liquor whites drop off just like whites do to Aboriginals… just like Africa, Mexico, etc., You don’t think we notice you censor our free speech? I’ll go to the reservation and get authentic reactions and present it to the media and you good folks won’t run it, just like you won’t run the Relocation media Africa has sent to encourage relocation. Half of us are working to hold up imperialism, White Dominance, Colonialism.
    What say You?
    My grands always visited their relatives on the Cherokee reservation who were treated like sh*+ like those dumps whites force them in today. That is a FEDERAL OFFENSE. No where in white folks laws does it say “If you were enslaved we won’t recognize you”. DISCRIMINATION & numerous white lawyers REFUSED to rep me because you hold each other up in your wrong. “how many Natives lived in North America before Columbus, estimates range from **3.8 million, as mentioned above, to 7 million people to a high of 18 million**Population history of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas - Wikipedia (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_history_of_the_Indigenous_peoples_of_the_Americas#:~:text=While%20it%20is%20difficult%20to,a%20high%20of%2018%20million.)… population hit bottom early in this century when census figures reported 490,000; by Dobyns's calcula- tion that means **between 9.8 million and 12.2 million** …Apr 5, 2009… How Many People Were Here Before Columbus? (https://www.bxscience.edu/ourpages/auto/2009/4/5/34767803/Pre-Columbian%20population.pdf).. How many Indians live in the USA 2023? 4,460,000 Whites SLAUGHTERED THEM. Most BLKPOC I know have Indian ancestry. This is what it looks like to us: whites have one Fucn excuse after another. Africa/B.R.I.C.S is willing to respect us. WHAT’S your excuse now?And do you know why you don’t hear from them? One of the reasons is all the liquor whites drop off just like whites do to Aboriginals… just like Africa, Mexico, etc., You don’t think we notice you censor our free speech? I’ll go to the reservation and get authentic reactions and present it to the media and you good folks won’t run it, just like you won’t run the Relocation media Africa has sent to encourage relocation. Half of us are working to hold up imperialism, White Dominance, Colonialism. What say You?
    Population history of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas
    Population figures for the Indigenous peoples of the Americas prior to European colonization have been difficult to establish. By the end of the 20th century, most scholars gravitated toward an estimate of around 50 million, with some historians arguing for an estimate of 100 million or more.In an effort to circumvent the hold which the Ottoman Empire held on the overland trade routes to East Asia and the hold that the Aeterni regis granted to Portugal on maritime routes via the African coast and the Indian Ocean, the monarchs of the nascent Spanish Empire decided to fund Columbus' voyage in 1492, which eventually led to the establishment of colonies and the migration of millions of Europeans to the Americas. The population of African and European peoples in the Americas grew steadily, starting in 1492, and at the same time, the Indigenous population began to plummet. Eurasian diseases such as influenza, pneumonic plagues, and smallpox, in combination...
    0 ComentƔrios 0 Compartilhamentos 3255 VisualizaƧƵes 0 Anterior

  • History Channel
    https://www.history.com › news
    Study Suggests Adolf Hitler Had Jewish and African Ancestors
    Aug 26, 2010 — In the decades since Adolf Hitler's death, the Nazi leader's ancestry has been a subject of rampant speculation and intense controversy.

    https://www.ndtv.com › world-news
    Adolf Hitler had Jewish, African ancestors, show DNA tests
    Aug 24, 2010 — London: Nazi leader Adolf Hitler possibly had Jewish as well as African ancestors - communities whom he had pledged to exterminate, .
    History Channel https://www.history.com › news Study Suggests Adolf Hitler Had Jewish and African Ancestors Aug 26, 2010 — In the decades since Adolf Hitler's death, the Nazi leader's ancestry has been a subject of rampant speculation and intense controversy. NDTV https://www.ndtv.com › world-news Adolf Hitler had Jewish, African ancestors, show DNA tests Aug 24, 2010 — London: Nazi leader Adolf Hitler possibly had Jewish as well as African ancestors - communities whom he had pledged to exterminate, .
    HISTORY | Watch Full Episodes of Your Favorite Shows
    Watch full episodes of your favorite HISTORY series, and dive into thousands of historical articles and videos. To know History is to know life.
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  • Andrew: identifying someone as mixed race isn’t being racist. If your 50/50 then your not black. And you’re not white. You’re an Oreo.

    Says the Recessive gene. You don’t get to tell me what I am. Who are you to me. Identifying someone as mixed race for what reason? So you know when to increase medical experiments to further depopulate us? So you can make sure we’re not ‘Gettin’ up’? You’re the only country in the world doing that antiquated sh*+ and you’re still out numbered after all the attempts. You only track for nefarious reasons that are morally corrupt. First my folks were listed as quadroon & how would whites know at the rate they were unaliving them? That meant this one particular ancestor was less than a quarter of African mix and whites worked her to death. My grand was listed as Mulatto in 1909 and now you’ve changed the meaning of that many times. Armenias had to go to court with the U.S to be called white. You’re trippin’. We make ‘look white only stronger, faster, highly intelligent’:
    he confirmed a family legend that he has black ancestry: **his maternal great-great-great-great-grandmother was an African-American slave…**
    https://www.facebook.com/FindingYourRootsPBS/videos/1076426360416883/?mibextid=l2hJJHjNVOBSwHk4https://www.bet.com/photo-gallery/wv4tk0/pete-wentz-and-more-white-celebs-you-probably-didn-t-know-were-actually-black/7h6dngWentworth Miller's father is African-American, Jamaican, German and English, and his mother is Russian, Swedish, French, Dutch, Syrian and Lebanese
    https://www.bet.com/photo-gallery/wv4tk0/pete-wentz-and-more-white-celebs-you-probably-didn-t-know-were-actually-black/pxa0i7Pete Wentz And More "White" Celebs You Probably Didn't Know Were Actually Black. These 11 stars are Blackity Black BLACK. 99153282. 1 / 10. Pete Wentz
    Andrew: identifying someone as mixed race isn’t being racist. If your 50/50 then your not black. And you’re not white. You’re an Oreo. Response: Says the Recessive gene. You don’t get to tell me what I am. Who are you to me. Identifying someone as mixed race for what reason? So you know when to increase medical experiments to further depopulate us? So you can make sure we’re not ‘Gettin’ up’? You’re the only country in the world doing that antiquated sh*+ and you’re still out numbered after all the attempts. You only track for nefarious reasons that are morally corrupt. First my folks were listed as quadroon & how would whites know at the rate they were unaliving them? That meant this one particular ancestor was less than a quarter of African mix and whites worked her to death. My grand was listed as Mulatto in 1909 and now you’ve changed the meaning of that many times. Armenias had to go to court with the U.S to be called white. You’re trippin’. We make ‘look white only stronger, faster, highly intelligent’: he confirmed a family legend that he has black ancestry: **his maternal great-great-great-great-grandmother was an African-American slave…** https://www.facebook.com/FindingYourRootsPBS/videos/1076426360416883/?mibextid=l2hJJHjNVOBSwHk4https://www.bet.com/photo-gallery/wv4tk0/pete-wentz-and-more-white-celebs-you-probably-didn-t-know-were-actually-black/7h6dngWentworth Miller's father is African-American, Jamaican, German and English, and his mother is Russian, Swedish, French, Dutch, Syrian and Lebanese https://www.bet.com/photo-gallery/wv4tk0/pete-wentz-and-more-white-celebs-you-probably-didn-t-know-were-actually-black/pxa0i7Pete Wentz And More "White" Celebs You Probably Didn't Know Were Actually Black. These 11 stars are Blackity Black BLACK. 99153282. 1 / 10. Pete Wentz
    0 ComentƔrios 0 Compartilhamentos 3764 VisualizaƧƵes 0 Anterior
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