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  • A 2 kilometers wide Pyramid-like mountain was discovered in Antarctica

    I've heard Eurocentrics say this was done by aliens which is not the case. From what I see is something more than just natural formations.

    There have been some fascinating claims about pyramid-like formations in Antarctica. But until we know more, we can only imagine. Reports usually reference certain peaks and structures that resemble pyramids or geometric shapes. Some believe these formations could be evidence of an ancient civilization or even something more mysterious.

    However, most experts explain these features as natural formations. The harsh environmental conditions in Antarctica, combined with the erosion and tectonic movements, can create unique landforms that might resemble man-made structures. Geologists argue that these shapes are likely the result of natural processes like erosion, glaciers, or volcanic activity over millions of years.

    Still, the idea of something artificial being hidden beneath the ice of Antarctica captures a lot of people’s imaginations. It’s always interesting to think about what’s buried in that vast, unexplored region. What’s your take on the pyramid-like structures there?

    Was Antarctica always ice and snow?

    No, Antarctica wasn’t always covered in ice and snow. Millions of years ago, it was a much warmer place with a very different climate.

    Around 250 million years ago, during the **late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras**, Antarctica was located much farther north, closer to what is now Australia. This position gave it a temperate climate, and it was home to lush forests and diverse wildlife. Fossils of plants and even dinosaurs have been found in Antarctica, which suggests that the continent once had a much more hospitable environment.

    Continues in the Comments section below...

    A 2 kilometers wide Pyramid-like mountain was discovered in Antarctica I've heard Eurocentrics say this was done by aliens which is not the case. From what I see is something more than just natural formations. There have been some fascinating claims about pyramid-like formations in Antarctica. But until we know more, we can only imagine. Reports usually reference certain peaks and structures that resemble pyramids or geometric shapes. Some believe these formations could be evidence of an ancient civilization or even something more mysterious. However, most experts explain these features as natural formations. The harsh environmental conditions in Antarctica, combined with the erosion and tectonic movements, can create unique landforms that might resemble man-made structures. Geologists argue that these shapes are likely the result of natural processes like erosion, glaciers, or volcanic activity over millions of years. Still, the idea of something artificial being hidden beneath the ice of Antarctica captures a lot of people’s imaginations. It’s always interesting to think about what’s buried in that vast, unexplored region. What’s your take on the pyramid-like structures there? ----- Was Antarctica always ice and snow? No, Antarctica wasn’t always covered in ice and snow. Millions of years ago, it was a much warmer place with a very different climate. Around 250 million years ago, during the **late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras**, Antarctica was located much farther north, closer to what is now Australia. This position gave it a temperate climate, and it was home to lush forests and diverse wildlife. Fossils of plants and even dinosaurs have been found in Antarctica, which suggests that the continent once had a much more hospitable environment. ----- Continues in the Comments section below... #Pyramid #Antartica
    1 Comments 0 Shares 802 Views 0 Reviews
  • Abusir Mummies Prove the Egyptians were Blacks
    by Dr. Clyde Winters - Scientific Researcher

    Why did the Egyptians call themselves kemiu: (Black people B1)
    NOTE: The ancient Egyptians had various hues. Even though this was true the ancient Egyptians called themselves "Black People". In this video, you learn why.

    Also, Read the Free PDF...

    Origin of the Ancient Egyptians by Cheikh Anta Diop

    Abusir Mummies Prove the Egyptians were Blacks by Dr. Clyde Winters - Scientific Researcher Why did the Egyptians call themselves kemiu: (Black people B1) NOTE: The ancient Egyptians had various hues. Even though this was true the ancient Egyptians called themselves "Black People". In this video, you learn why. Also, Read the Free PDF... Origin of the Ancient Egyptians by Cheikh Anta Diop #AncientEgyptian #Blacks #Kemet
    0 Comments 0 Shares 863 Views 0 Reviews
    Five Thousand Years Ago, Africa Had A Major Civilization We Forgot
    Its influence on better-known ancient civilizations is unknown, but may well have been an important missing piece in our understanding.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 790 Views 0 Reviews
  • Continuation from Post Directly Above.

    From time to time, I'm going to present to you Black/Afrikan History books and other books about our people, and our history to read. You need to grow your mind to have a clear understanding of our history and what happened to our people.

    The books that I will present after this one will only be revealed in my NAFBP private group at BackRoom Social.

    You need to understand our ancestors, culture, spiritual systems, and what it was like back in the day. Learn from the mistakes our Black/Afrikan ancestors made by not coming together and preparing for war by enemies who have been watching us, infiltrating and learning from us only to invade, conquer, destroy, steal, and enslave which is still happening today but in other forms such as an enslaved Black mind.

    You should get your copy, either free or paid for. Many books written by our Black Historians and Scholars can be found on Google in a free PDF version.

    Just Google the name of the book and author. Add 'free PDF' at the end of your search term.

    Here's one book that took me a long time to read but was worth every minute of my time reading it.

    The Destruction of the Black Civilization by Chancellor Williams

    Continuation from Post Directly Above. From time to time, I'm going to present to you Black/Afrikan History books and other books about our people, and our history to read. You need to grow your mind to have a clear understanding of our history and what happened to our people. The books that I will present after this one will only be revealed in my NAFBP private group at BackRoom Social. You need to understand our ancestors, culture, spiritual systems, and what it was like back in the day. Learn from the mistakes our Black/Afrikan ancestors made by not coming together and preparing for war by enemies who have been watching us, infiltrating and learning from us only to invade, conquer, destroy, steal, and enslave which is still happening today but in other forms such as an enslaved Black mind. You should get your copy, either free or paid for. Many books written by our Black Historians and Scholars can be found on Google in a free PDF version. Just Google the name of the book and author. Add 'free PDF' at the end of your search term. Here's one book that took me a long time to read but was worth every minute of my time reading it. The Destruction of the Black Civilization by Chancellor Williams #ChancellorWilliams #Destruction #BlackCivilzation #Afrika #RaceIssues #BlackHistory #AfrikaHistory
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3K Views 0 Reviews
  • New data revealed that every Black person living in or outside America should know...

    History and Culture of the Black Aboriginals of America
    by Dr. Clyde Winters


    "Very few Sub-Saharan Africans came to North America during the Atlantic Slave Trade. As a result, the vast majority of Foundational Black Americans are of Black Indian or Aboriginal descent."

    "History and Culture of the Black Aboriginals of America is the first book to discuss the history of the Aboriginal Black or Negro people that inhabited North America for over 130,000 years. This book not only mentions the names of these Aboriginal tribes it also outlines the culture and history of these Aboriginal Foundational Black Americans (FBA) and their genetic background. In addition, the reader will discover the technology the Aboriginal people created in North America, which indicates their unique technological achievements that match the civilizations of Meso-America and Mexico."
    New data revealed that every Black person living in or outside America should know... History and Culture of the Black Aboriginals of America by Dr. Clyde Winters Description... "Very few Sub-Saharan Africans came to North America during the Atlantic Slave Trade. As a result, the vast majority of Foundational Black Americans are of Black Indian or Aboriginal descent." "History and Culture of the Black Aboriginals of America is the first book to discuss the history of the Aboriginal Black or Negro people that inhabited North America for over 130,000 years. This book not only mentions the names of these Aboriginal tribes it also outlines the culture and history of these Aboriginal Foundational Black Americans (FBA) and their genetic background. In addition, the reader will discover the technology the Aboriginal people created in North America, which indicates their unique technological achievements that match the civilizations of Meso-America and Mexico."
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1K Views 0 Reviews
  • How many times have I posted Whites in the West live in a ALTERNATE REALITY. They want you to accept there is no truth. Swing it against the wall as you go along, see if it sticks, see if anyone notices. Or just write a law and change it, I.e, ‘Some A.I will be considered humans’, ‘You can marry a dog & give it legal rights’, etc., That’s why they were yelling “Whats a woman Justice Brown?! You didn’t satisfy the answer!”
    Remember THEM folk yelling about CRITICAL RACE THEORY? What they actually meant was CRITICAL THINKING. They’ve dumb down the entire white society so much so that they were easily convinced that voting in a geriatrics patient (& we’ve all known at least 3) who told them he didn’t know INTERNATIONAL LAW, where countries were located, who & how they were run. For some reason they believe he and Molech will give them IMMORTALITY. They should have read about early civilization (which the west discourages) the Anunnaki. Having immortality and calling yourself a God….When’s the peace come? Besides. God says it ends Differently.
    Are whites even TRYING to better themselves?! Let’s see how many jump after this USD starts dropping after the first of the year. Last Christmas was the LAST white Christmas. This Christmas is Drunk/drug Christmas. It’s n your food & drink. You’re already sick and another Plague on the way….This is a thought you’re an afraid to think. Makes you not strong. You can’t prepare. You run from CRITICAL THINKING.
    How many times have I posted Whites in the West live in a ALTERNATE REALITY. They want you to accept there is no truth. Swing it against the wall as you go along, see if it sticks, see if anyone notices. Or just write a law and change it, I.e, ‘Some A.I will be considered humans’, ‘You can marry a dog & give it legal rights’, etc., That’s why they were yelling “Whats a woman Justice Brown?! You didn’t satisfy the answer!” Remember THEM folk yelling about CRITICAL RACE THEORY? What they actually meant was CRITICAL THINKING. They’ve dumb down the entire white society so much so that they were easily convinced that voting in a geriatrics patient (& we’ve all known at least 3) who told them he didn’t know INTERNATIONAL LAW, where countries were located, who & how they were run. For some reason they believe he and Molech will give them IMMORTALITY. They should have read about early civilization (which the west discourages) the Anunnaki. Having immortality and calling yourself a God….When’s the peace come? Besides. God says it ends Differently. Are whites even TRYING to better themselves?! Let’s see how many jump after this USD starts dropping after the first of the year. Last Christmas was the LAST white Christmas. This Christmas is Drunk/drug Christmas. It’s n your food & drink. You’re already sick and another Plague on the way….This is a thought you’re an afraid to think. Makes you not strong. You can’t prepare. You run from CRITICAL THINKING.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1K Views 0 Reviews
  • More BLKPOC in early civilization:
    More BLKPOC in early civilization:
    0 Comments 0 Shares 817 Views 0 Reviews
  • White people have been duped, brainwashed, and lied to by their white supremacist governments and white supremacist religious leaders. A white society made for them to remain the front-runners, superior to Black people, receive white privileges to continue building wealth, receive other benefits, and create a white Jesus and white god to help them to be secure, safe, and powerful in the world.

    Black people's identity and history were stolen and given to others such as white Jews and Mongolian-Asians (a.k.a. Native American Indians). Black languages and names taken away, culture disrupted, land stolen, families destroyed, extreme excessive rapes (Black men, women, children), forced incest, Black people enslaved and colonized, systematic racism to make sure we bow down and stay down.

    Acts of evilness, terrorism, and atrocities including genocide were committed on our Black people like no other. All of this has been done to our people throughout history covering the 4-corners of the world.


    Because our people gave birth to civilizations, science, the 7 arts, mathematics, agriculture., and so much more to this world and what the world has today, just like Afrika feeds the entire world.

    Russia unveils what was hidden in their vaults for millenniums. Make you wonder what white European vaults have throughout Europe about our people, and the Vatican's vaults in Rome. So much stolen history, so many secrets the supremacists know about and keep from us including the white masses throughout the world.

    Russia's Revelation on Bible Talks About Black Jesus
    White people have been duped, brainwashed, and lied to by their white supremacist governments and white supremacist religious leaders. A white society made for them to remain the front-runners, superior to Black people, receive white privileges to continue building wealth, receive other benefits, and create a white Jesus and white god to help them to be secure, safe, and powerful in the world. Black people's identity and history were stolen and given to others such as white Jews and Mongolian-Asians (a.k.a. Native American Indians). Black languages and names taken away, culture disrupted, land stolen, families destroyed, extreme excessive rapes (Black men, women, children), forced incest, Black people enslaved and colonized, systematic racism to make sure we bow down and stay down. Acts of evilness, terrorism, and atrocities including genocide were committed on our Black people like no other. All of this has been done to our people throughout history covering the 4-corners of the world. Why? Because our people gave birth to civilizations, science, the 7 arts, mathematics, agriculture., and so much more to this world and what the world has today, just like Afrika feeds the entire world. Russia unveils what was hidden in their vaults for millenniums. Make you wonder what white European vaults have throughout Europe about our people, and the Vatican's vaults in Rome. So much stolen history, so many secrets the supremacists know about and keep from us including the white masses throughout the world. Russia's Revelation on Bible Talks About Black Jesus #BlackJesus #Russia #Bible
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5K Views 0 Reviews
  • Most of our Black brothers and sisters are unaware that Black people (Afrikan) ruled Europe before white Europeans came and battled against them. There were Black aristocrats, royals, and Black Moors that went into Spain and civilized it.

    There were Black Romans, Black Greeks, and Black Asians before the white European invasions.

    Fact: Afrikans were the first to create and build civilizations.

    Complete Falsehood: White Europeans created/built civilization.

    And more white lies continue even today that are taught in white European schools, their history books, their media, etc.

    Truth is not all hidden and what was hard to find is being revealed now about Black people that whites continue to fear.

    You must not continue listening to those history and discovery channels. They are Europeanized and rigged--never telling Black people the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    Watch this video, learn the facts, and find out why white Europeans tried to destroy and remove all Black paintings, busts, books, literature, and history about Blacks ruling European lands.

    ELIZABETH SUPPRESSED, Primary accounts of Black Nobility in Europe
    Most of our Black brothers and sisters are unaware that Black people (Afrikan) ruled Europe before white Europeans came and battled against them. There were Black aristocrats, royals, and Black Moors that went into Spain and civilized it. There were Black Romans, Black Greeks, and Black Asians before the white European invasions. Fact: Afrikans were the first to create and build civilizations. Complete Falsehood: White Europeans created/built civilization. And more white lies continue even today that are taught in white European schools, their history books, their media, etc. Truth is not all hidden and what was hard to find is being revealed now about Black people that whites continue to fear. You must not continue listening to those history and discovery channels. They are Europeanized and rigged--never telling Black people the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Watch this video, learn the facts, and find out why white Europeans tried to destroy and remove all Black paintings, busts, books, literature, and history about Blacks ruling European lands. ELIZABETH SUPPRESSED, Primary accounts of Black Nobility in Europe #BlackEuropeans #Aboriginals #BlackRoyals #BlackAristocrats #Civilization #Moors #Afrikans #Blacks #Europe
    0 Comments 0 Shares 10K Views 0 Reviews

     *Item 6*

    All power and government established by us is legal, legitimate and democratic. But any other power or government that does not emanate from us is illegal, illegitimate and dictatorial, whatever its form and legitimacy.

     *Item 7*

    Any power that opposes the slightest resistance to our injunctions thereby loses its legality, its legitimacy and its credibility. He must disappear.


     *Item 8*

    We do not negotiate agreements and contracts with Third World countries, we impose what we want on them and they submit to our will.

     *Item 9*

    Any agreement concluded with another country or negotiation without our endorsement is null and void.


     *Item 10*

    Where there are our interests, third world countries have no rights, in southern countries, our interests come before the law and international law.

     *Section 11*

    Freedom of expression, freedom of association and human rights only have meaning in the country where the rulers oppose our will.

     *Item 12*

    The peoples of the Third World have no opinion or right, they submit to our law and our right.

     *Item 13*

    Third world countries have neither culture nor civilization without referring to Western civilization.

    *Item 14*

    We are not talking about genocide, massacres, war crimes or crimes against humanity in countries where our interests are guaranteed. Even if the number of victims is very important.

     OF THE POLITICAL REGIME*  *Item 6* All power and government established by us is legal, legitimate and democratic. But any other power or government that does not emanate from us is illegal, illegitimate and dictatorial, whatever its form and legitimacy.  *Item 7* Any power that opposes the slightest resistance to our injunctions thereby loses its legality, its legitimacy and its credibility. He must disappear.  *III. TREATIES AND AGREEMENTS*  *Item 8* We do not negotiate agreements and contracts with Third World countries, we impose what we want on them and they submit to our will.  *Item 9* Any agreement concluded with another country or negotiation without our endorsement is null and void.  *IV. FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS*  *Item 10* Where there are our interests, third world countries have no rights, in southern countries, our interests come before the law and international law.  *Section 11* Freedom of expression, freedom of association and human rights only have meaning in the country where the rulers oppose our will.  *Item 12* The peoples of the Third World have no opinion or right, they submit to our law and our right.  *Item 13* Third world countries have neither culture nor civilization without referring to Western civilization. *Item 14* We are not talking about genocide, massacres, war crimes or crimes against humanity in countries where our interests are guaranteed. Even if the number of victims is very important.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4K Views 0 Reviews
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